Card Highlights

Our card highlights go in-depth into a Marvel Snap card, analyzing its strengths, weaknesses, synergies, and look to build the best decks around them.

For the full list of cards, check out our card database, and the new card release and Series Drop schedule!

Titania Ario Anindito Variant

Titania Guide: How Does It Work?

Titania is a card that can cause some headaches, both for you and your opponent. If you've skipped over this card because it seems too complicated, den has brought you a guide to remove the thinking from the equation. Learn how to leap to victory!

Snowguard Guide: How Does It Work?

The newly revamped Snowguard might be a bit tricky to use properly. How many of us have used the Hawk on Necrosha thinking it will be disabled forever? To avoid situations like that, check out this guide by den that takes you through all the locations you need to know!