
Marvel Snap November 2023 (Higher, Further, Faster) New Card Guide: Review and Decks

A cheaper Doctor Doom, a better Maximus, and the holy grail for Junk? What's not to like about the new cards releasing in the November 2023 season Higher, Further, Faster! With all these great options, den has written a guide so that you can decide which cards you want to pick up.

Marvel Snap releases a new card every week (Tuesday 12 PM Pacific Time) throughout the Season, as a Series 4 or 5 card available via the Token Shop or Spotlight Caches. This guide is our overall review for all the upcoming new cards in the Higher, Further, Faster November 2023 Season of Marvel Snap. We also provide a more detailed guide on each of the cards prior to their release.


If you have any idea who I am as a player outside of these articles, you’ll know that I tend to enjoy disruptive decks a lot more than I do proactive decks. Also, Junk is one of my all-time favorite archetypes in Marvel Snap. So when I see a month filled with new cards that require specific conditions to shine and then realize that a lot of them will fit in archetypes that want to limit what the opponent can do, I immediately get giddy with anticipation for what is coming next for Marvel Snap. I begin to imagine all the possibilities around the new cards and the fun I will have building around them.

Junk, of course, is primed to do well with the release of Annihilus, but I believe the archetype could very well welcome Gladiator, too. That is, if the card doesn’t simply end up in a Silver Surfer deck (which you could also build to be quite annoying for the opponent if you want to).

As for the Season Pass card, Ms. Marvel could end up being extremely strong in a variety of decks, and I’m excited to see her help the limiting decks. I’m already thinking of some builds in the vein of the old Lockdown archetype that could abuse cards able to reach unplayable locations after they are locked down.

My hype is really high for this month, and I want to go after all the cards (except maybe Martyr). In addition to feeling like they have some pretty unique abilities – especially Gladiator and Annihilus – I really like the deckbuilding challenges that several of these cards represent.

In the end, I’m not just looking for a good card when I spend my resources; I also want one that I’m going to be able to have fun with in the long run. If you can’t pick which cards to target for November, here are some ideas. Hopefully they help you use your Spotlight Keys wisely!


CardSourceRelease Date
Ms. MarvelSeason PassNovember 7th, 2023
GladiatorSeries 5November 14th, 2023
AnnihilusSeries 5November 21st, 2023
MartyrSeries 4November 28th, 2023
You will also be able to find the full card release schedule here for past, present, and future months in our dedicated guide!

Ms. Marvel: Doctor Doom, Except It’s a 4-Cost

Ms. Marvel is the Season Pass card.


  • 15 power for a 4-Cost card is absolutely bonkers if you can make it work reliably.
  • One card is enough to activate the ability, so it shouldn’t be too demanding to get the points.
  • There are plenty of flexible synergies in Marvel Snap with diverse costs in the deck. Plus, you can play whatever you like on Ms. Marvel’s location.


  • The card pushes you to play it in the middle location as often as possible.
  • No card on the adjacent locations means you do not get the bonus points there.
  • Ongoing hate cards already have a reason to see play currently, and Ms. Marvel gives them another great target.

Featured Deck:

Miss Lockdown
Created by den
, updated 6 months ago
1x Collection Level 1-14
2x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
1x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
1x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
1x Series 4 Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 4)
5x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)
1x Starter Card

Cards that are able to contribute to several locations at once will typically push your deck to be extremely flexible. Think of the Move synergy: it’s able to change the lanes it looks to win on the last turn while also manipulating its cards to make sure it meets the condition for Ms. Marvel‘s ability. Or imagine a Lockdown plan where you block your opponent from playing on locations that you can add points to later on.

I decided to explore the latter option for Ms. Marvel, as the trio of Storm, Professor X, and Legion sounds like a great start in order to set up the new card. Plus, since the Lockdown strategy was already playing Jeff the Baby Land Shark, I added Nightcrawler to have more of that move element in the deck, which works really well with both the Lockdown strategy and Ms. Marvel.

I’m sure the card will find various homes to take advantage of, as the total power it can create feels way too high to pass on if the deck can easily meet the requirement.

Gladiator Wants Those Buffs!

Gladiator will release as a Series 5 card.


  • Seven power for a raw 3-Cost card is an excellent ratio.
  • Taking out a key card for the opponent can create an easy Snap situation.
  • There are currently lots of ways to buff Gladiator and make sure it never loses its duel. You can also use Cosmo to cancel the ability the same we have for Maximus in the past.


  • If Gladiator summons a card with more than seven power, it will probably be Shang-Chi or bust for that location.
  • Even if you win the duel, you can sometimes increase the odds that your opponent draws into their important card after Gladiator‘s ability.

Featured Deck:

Gladiator Surfer
Created by den
, updated 6 months ago
3x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
3x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
5x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
1x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)

I believe Gladiator will be a very solid card in Marvel Snap. The ability is scary to use, and it could be an awful one depending on the environment you play it in. However, in a game where you can increase the odds (or cut your losses) at any point, I think Gladiator will be part of those cards that can create a Snap-worthy situation almost on its own.

I built this Silver Surfer deck with the intent of maximizing Gladiator‘s ability to win the duel, but the card might just be a better Maximus in more traditional builds of that archetype.

Outside Silver Surfer, the obvious archetype when a new 3-Cost card releases, I could also mention Shuri decks. A 14-Power Gladiator should have no problem taking out any card it summons from the opponent’s deck, which would be a huge win for you.

Annihilus Makes Junk King of the World!

Annihilus will release as a Series 5 card.


  • There is already an archetype ready to welcome Annihilus as a plug and play card (Junk).
  • The card can serve as a nice counter to Junk itself, but it also just counters cards like Black Widow and Green Goblin that exist in other decks.
  • You could play cards like Ironheart, Mysterio, and Mjölnir proactively and then just send them over to your opponent for disruption.


  • There aren’t that many decks that are interested in running Annihilus as part of their core strategy.
  • Seven power tends to be on the lower end for a 5-Cost card, which means the ability has to be impactful.
  • Destroy has remained an extremely popular synergy in Marvel Snap, and you could just actively discount an opposing Death. Also, Destroy is just a terrible match up for Junk.

Featured Deck:

Super Junk
Created by den
, updated 6 months ago
1x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
1x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
7x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
3x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)

There might be other decks that are able to use Annihilus; simply sending The Hood and another zero power card could be enough to make the new card a double-digit power play. Still, I don’t think I can start anywhere else than Junk with Annihilus.

In this deck, the new card simply looks like a powerhouse. It forces the opponent to fill their lanes in order to avoid getting completely locked out going into Turn 6. Indeed, as soon as they see Debrii come down, they have to respect Annihilus coming down on Turn 5.
Even if they manage to play around it, this should give you a ton of information and the perfect opportunity to leverage your counter cards on the last turn of play (against an opponent with very little leeway).

I only included Shang-Chi in the deck, but you could very easily remove Absorbing Man or Gladiator, two supporting cards, to include Enchantress, Rogue, or another counter tool. Armor, in particular, could be necessary if you anticipate Destroy taking advantage of Junk rising in popularity.


Martyr will release as a Series 4 card. Consider using your Collector’s Tokens.


  • There are multiple decks that can make sure Martyr won’t have space to move on the last turn of play, making it a basic [1/4] card. Kazoo, Silver Surfer, and Iron Patriot come to mind.
  • Martyr can be a great card for seizing priority during the course of the match and maximizing the ability of cards like Alioth, Cosmo, and Armor.


  • Killmonger remains a very important card in the Marvel Snap landscape.
  • Without direct synergies with many other cards, it is difficult to see Martyr for anything else but a cheap card with four power.

Featured Deck:

Created by den
, updated 6 months ago
2x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
1x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
5x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
2x Series 4 Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 4)
1x Recruit Season
1x Starter Card

To be honest, I think Martyr might be the most skippable card in November, which is very unfortunate as it is also the Series 4 card for the month. Indeed, while the other three could be considered solid overall (Ms. Marvel, Gladiator) or great for a specific deck (Annihilus), Martyr doesn’t look like a particularly good standalone card, nor do I see a deck that really wants to run it over other 1-Cost cards.

Nico Minoru is probably keeping the spot of “I don’t know what to play as a 1-Cost” in a lot of decks looking for a filler. So, I tried to think outside the box and, with the help of a friend, came up with this Cerebro 4 deck. The idea for this one is to have a big enough Martyr that it can’t lose the lane it moves to. The deck might not be the most competitive one, but with a six or eight power Martyr, at least the ability should rarely be a problem.

Closing Words

There has been quite a lot of controversy around the Season Pass cards in Marvel Snap lately, and I’m not sure a potential [4/15] will help with that sentiment. However, I really like seeing cards that push deckbuilding choices to commit to a strategy because it feels like there are a lot of strong decks with a lot of flexibility right now.

Also, none of the cards seems to be auto-includes in any of the dominant decks of the current metagame; instead, most seem to help the struggling or under-the-radar archetypes (for the most part). Well, except for the Zabu + Ms. Marvel connection you could make.

Overall, apart from Martyr (which I’m not even sure I want to spend 3,000 Collector’s Tokens to acquire), I think we should see a fair amount of Ms. Marvel and Gladiator. As for Annihilus, the card is definitely a great prospect if you like Junk as much as I do, or if you believe a more niche use can be enough to leverage its ability.

I hope this breakdown helped you pick which cards you are interested in investing into. To share your ideas and creations (and maybe inspire other players to pick up one card in particular), leave a comment down below. Also, you can join us on the Marvel Snap Zone community Discord, or follow my Twitter page where I share decks and biased opinions about the game.

Good Game Everyone.

Captain Marvel Artgerm

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Den has been in love with strategy games for as long as he can remember, starting with the Heroes of Might and Magic series as a kid. Card games came around the middle school - Yu-Gi-Oh! and then Magic: The Gathering.

Hearthstone and Legends of Runeterra has been his real breakthrough and he has been a coach, writer, and caster on the French scene for many years now. He now coaches aspiring pro players and writes various articles on these games.

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