Caiera Alex Horley Variant Art

Caiera Guide and Best Decks: Everything You Need to Know

Who is Caiera? How do you use the card? What are the best synergies and decks? This guide will answer all of these questions and more!

Welcome to our new series of Marvel Snap guides, where we feature a Series 4 or 5 card and analyze how to use it. The goal is to give you a tutorial on how to use the card most effectively in an everchanging meta, as well as help you decide if the card is worth the tokens or if you should pick it up during a Spotlight Cache week!

We will aim to revise this guide each time it becomes featured in a Spotlight Cache. If the card becomes rebalanced or the meta has changed a lot, please let us know in the comments and we will look to update it based on demand!

Series 5 cards can be purchased for 6,000 Collector’s Tokens from the Token Shop initially as a Weekly Spotlight card, or opened as one of the featured cards in the Spotlight Caches that are found every 120 Levels on the Collection Level Track after Collection Level 500 (until the next new card releases the following week).

Check out the featured cards and variants of the Spotlight Cache and our recommendations in our guide!

Who is Caiera?

Caiera What If Variant Art
Caiera What If Variant

Caiera is a warrior from the planet Sakaar. She was trained at a young age to utilize her shadow strength, an old power of her planet that allows her to tap into the planet’s strength. This gives her super strength and durability, which gave her enough power to go toe to toe with the Hulk. Caiera later joined forces with Hulk to overthrow a tyrannical king on Sakaar. Hulk and Caiera would later marry and give birth to Skaar.

To find Caiera outside of comic lore, you can check out the animated movie Planet Hulk! In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, she isn’t present, though her son Skaar makes a surprise appearance in the She-Hulk series.

How to Use Caiera

Caiera is pretty straightforward: Play her to protect your card! At a 3-Cost, she is a little flexible when you can play her. The only things to be cautious of is giving your opponent a chance to deactivate her. Your biggest task to learn is when she is necessary to add to your deck. This will heavily depend on your deck and synergies.

She also works as a tech against destroy centered locations! If you use Armor, your opponent can also safely play onto locations like Death's Domain or Alter of Death. With Caiera, you can play 1 or 6 Cost cards in these locations while your opponent can’t!

Best Synergies

Caiera synergizes great with zoo cards! Zoo refers to a deck that aims to win without lots of low cost cards opposed to big cards or a perfect curve. Zoo decks are often an instant lose when facing a deck with Killmonger, but Caiera changes that. But since all 1-Cost cards technically synergize with Caiera, lets look at her enablers. If you play her on turn 3, your cards are safe for the entire match! This let’s you focus on playing your win conditions like Ka-Zar and Blue Marvel without risk of losing your early game setup

Similarly, Caiera works great with Shanna! Since Shanna ceates 3 1-Cost cards, that gives you protection for each card.

Caiera also protects your big cards that you want to play early. Since all 6-Cost cards technically synergize with her, we will again look at the enablers. Lockjaw works well since you cycle cards in hopes of getting a 6-Cost card. Caiera protects the high rolls from Shang-Chi! The curve also works well of Caiera on turn 3, Lockjaw and Wasp on turn 4.

Ramp decks that use Hope Summers could also benefit from Caiera. With the extra energy you get from Hope, you can drop down a 6-Cost card early without worry.

Best Decks

Created by den
, updated 1 month ago
1x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
3x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
8x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)

Caiera‘s most recognized deck is with Thanos. While the mad titan suffers from an active rework, she still functions well in this deck and capitalizes on multiple synergies. With Hope Summers and Psylocke, you get ramp to play big cards early. Since your deck is filled with 1-Cost infinity stones and big 6-Cost cards, Caiera provides a ton of protection. By keeping your big cards alive, Skaar and Mockingbird are more likely to be a reduced cost!

Dracula Zoo
Created by CanadianAlfredo
, updated 15 days ago
2x Collection Level 1-14
1x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
3x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
3x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
2x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)
1x Recruit Season

This deck goes back to old school Snap by using Dracula and The Infinaut for surprise power. By dumping your hand with 1-Cost cards, you maximize your chances of discarding The Infinaut at the end of the game. Caiera protects your cards that you dump on the board to ensure your Dazzler, Blue Marvel, and Ka-Zar retain value.

Weaknesses and Things to Avoid

The obvious things Caiera is weak to is the ongoing counters. Rogue and Enchantress can react to your play and disable Caiera. Fortunately, these cards aren’t seen much in the current meta. If they do appear though, retreat quickly because they may be a control deck that runs Killmonger. Echo, aka the invisible card, also can disable Caiera, so be sure to pay attention to what cards are in play.

A weakness for Caiera is also (oddly) Armor. I say this because sometimes you just don’t need to use Caiera in a deck if Armor fits the job better. This may apply to decks like High Evolutionary that don’t play a lot of 1-Cost cards but still want to protect your Sunspot or Nebula. Armor works better on curve as a 2-Cost, but offers less location coverage and requires an open slot on a specific location.

Closing Thoughts

Caiera is a solid protection card that really shines in Thanos decks. But with Thanos currently in active rework, Caiera doesn’t have a good place in the meta right now. She still holds a high value and can be invaluable if you want to play a zoo decks, but I wouldn’t seek this card out just because you are missing her.

Is Caiera worth using Collector’s Tokens?

Rating: 2 out of 5.

Captain Marvel Artgerm

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