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Creator Clash Tournament Crowns Bounce as the Best Deck in Marvel Snap

Den takes a closer look at the Bounce archetype and why its builds did so well in the Marvel Snap Creator Clash tournament!

Organized by Kawatek and hosted by them and Raven, the Creator Clash Tournament aimed to be a reunion of popular figures in the Marvel Snap community and a competitive event for the audience.

The content creator part of the tournament appears to have been a big success with every participant praising how well organized the tournament was, and viewers from around the world left great reviews on social media. Today is about the impact the tournament had on the Marvel Snap metagame and deciding the winner of the battle between Evolved Lockjaw and Bounce for the title of best deck in the game.

Lockjaw fought an incredible battle, and if it wasn’t for a writer being a little too cocky against one of the best players in the world, the deck could have taken the whole thing home. But, at the end of the day, the finals of the Creator Clash featured two players who played Bounce all tournament long, and Lockjaw was relegated to the third place match.

Since the tournament, the Infinity Conquest opened and Bounce has not slowed down; many have reported their win over the last league of Conquest with the deck. It has come to a point where many are starting to specifically counter Bounce when deciding on a strategy as there seems to be enough upside to justify running an otherwise average deck in the metagame.

Seeing of how the deck caught fire and most of the community started gravitating around it, many players have started to pick up the deck as well. I asked a few questions to three out of the top four players in Creator Clash, each of whom brought Bounce to the tournament. You will notice that they all brought different deck lists in the same archetype, and they all had tremendous success.

I hope their insight can help you understand why the deck is currently so good, and I’ve also included a few tips on how to get started if you want to master the archetype.

LambySeries, Creator Clash Winner

Lamby Bounce
Created by den
, updated 10 months ago
3x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
1x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
3x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
3x Series 4 Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 4)
1x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)
1x Starter Card

Why did you bring Bounce to the tournament?

I brought Bounce because I’m honestly a meta slave, looking to play the very best decks at all times. I just always choose to play what’s currently on top of the meta. For this tournament, it was Bounce.

Why did you build it this way?

I built the deck this way (without Shang-Chi) because I wanted to always be able to combo off when needed. Every time I felt like I could use Shang-Chi in testing, there were often a lot of cards I couldn’t play as a result of the energy cost.

Is there anything you would change if you had to resubmit?

There is nothing I would change from my Bounce list. I feel it can beat anything in the current metagame – apart from specifically designed counter decks.

What advice would you give to a player looking to pick up Bounce?

Plan your turns as early as possible.

Placement of all your cards matters way more in this deck compared to most other ones in the game. Because of synergies like space required for Mysterio, how many times you want to play into Angela‘s lane, where you want to use Iron Man… It is a very precise deck.

Dmoney, Creator Clash Runner-up

Dmoney Bounce
Created by den
, updated 10 months ago
2x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
1x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
5x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
2x Series 4 Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 4)
1x Recruit Season
1x Starter Card

Why did you bring Bounce to the tournament?

I brought Bounce not only because it’s one of my favorite archetypes in Snap, but also because it dominates High Evo and Lockjaw. I figured those would be some of the most popular decks in the tournament, and Bounce gets more power in my experience – especially my build.

Why did you build it this way?

My build looks to drop the most amount of power onto the board. It drops so much power and is so energy efficient that I felt no need for high cost cards like Shang-Chi and Iron Man. I fully accepted that I’d play my other deck if my opponent ran a Wave/Sandman deck, but I also felt like Bounce had a chance against those decks in Conquest. This is because you have multiple rounds for your opponent to not get their “combo,” and you can drop most of your cards prior to those later Sandman and Wave turns.

Is there anything you would change if you had to resubmit?

I would not change anything if I had the chance, I just maybe would have considered Spider-Ham a little more since it usually hits a good target of mine. Regardless, I feel like my deck has so many cards that get to large numbers that it probably wouldn’t matter what gets hit, especially since it can’t hit Kitty Pryde.

What advice would you give to a player looking to pick up Bounce?

Take your time and maximize every point of power. The deck can be very complex to manage both your hand and your board, so it requires a lot of planning. There are little things I see most players get wrong, like rushing to play Angela or Bishop when they should just focus on growing Kitty Pryde. The small things truly add up and every point matters!

den, Creator Clash Top 4 Finish

den Bounce
Created by den
, updated 10 months ago
3x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
2x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
3x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
3x Series 4 Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 4)
1x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)

Why did you bring Bounce to the tournament?

I felt like either Bounce or Lockjaw had to be the deck to bring to a high stakes tournament in the current metagame. I ended up bringing both, but Bounce is a more flexible deck compared to Lockjaw, which meant I could adapt the list to punish certain match ups. Lockjaw would just be my “Smash points” kind of deck.

Why did you build it this way?

I wanted to beat Lockjaw with the deck, hence why Shang-Chi and Valkyrie are included. It also made a lot of sense right after the OTA as Valkyrie is great against Shuri, which I expected to be played alongside Red Skull or Nimrod (if anyone brought out those cards).

The other weird inclusion is Elektra, which I included for the mirror match as well as the High Evolutionary Lockdown and Pure Evolution decks. Looking back at it, that was probably a bit much.

Is there anything you would change if you had to resubmit?

I think I would replace Shang-Chi with Bast or some other points provider to increases the deck’s potential. Otherwise, I really like the deck. I didn’t want to play Iron Man because of Spider-Ham. Elektra could be replaced, but the card did a lot of good things for me during the tournament.

What advice would you give to a player looking to pick up Bounce?

Bounce is a pretty unique deck in the game when looking at its synergies and play patterns. As such, I think it’s important to really separate the time spent learning the deck and the time spent trying to put up good results.

Play the deck simply to learn the role of each card, the various patterns, and allow yourself to be stupid at first. Once you feel like you’ve picked up a few lines to exploit, give it a try with the intent to perform. Then go back to learning new lines, and so on.

Similarly, don’t just play one list of Bounce if you want to get better with it. There are many different ways to approach the archetype, and you might find one much more suited to your play style than another.

Closing Words

As we are in a break week for balance changes, it is unlikely the metagame will undergo any big changes in the near future. Nevertheless, some counters to the Bounce archetype do exist, such as Electro Ramp, Lockdown, and decks that are able to run Invisible Woman and Killmonger together (Silver Surfer, Iron Patriot, Sera Control…).

Also, I cannot end this article without a massive thank you to Kawatek for organizing the event. They put their heart and soul into it, and, outside the participants, these kinds of events have a big impact on the community and the general growth of the game.

Hopefully there are more of these in the future, both for the fun aspect of it and because it helps us understand the current competitive environment better. Make sure to keep Kawatek on your radar to not miss the next one!

As usual, if you have any questions, you can find me on the Marvel Snap Zone community Discord, or follow my Twitter page where I share decks and biased opinions about the game.

Good Game Everyone.

Captain Marvel Artgerm

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Den has been in love with strategy games for as long as he can remember, starting with the Heroes of Might and Magic series as a kid. Card games came around the middle school - Yu-Gi-Oh! and then Magic: The Gathering.

Hearthstone and Legends of Runeterra has been his real breakthrough and he has been a coach, writer, and caster on the French scene for many years now. He now coaches aspiring pro players and writes various articles on these games.

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