
Top 10 Decklists for the Deck Builder Giveaway and Winners

The 10 decks we selected for the January 2023 Deck Builder giveaway and why. Who are the best deck building experts from our community?

Hi everyone, den here, with some good news for the 10 valued members of our community: You have won our Deck Builder giveaway!

I can imagine how nobody wants to go through a whole article to know if they won, so here are the names (as they appear on Marvel Snap Zone) of the selected deck builders. We will be contacting you via email listed on your account shortly!

jaxu10Movement Chaos (Pool 3 – Guide in Description)
CosmoEXCerebro 2 (H+C disturb)
plugindaveYou Say It Best (Ronan)
HannibalPGUltron Kazoo
ZodrexRickety Bridge! video included
tonio95I’m having a bad day, now you’re having a bad day
cSpligIt Was Agatha All Along!
MarusbirThanozoo Deathwave
morocotopoElectro Heimdall Ramp

Congratulations to all of you, and thanks for submitting spicy decks to our Deck Database this week! For those curious as to why I picked these as the ten winners, here are a few words about each and every deck.

Movement Chaos

Movement Chaos (Pool 3 – Guide in Description)
Created by jaxu10
, updated 1 year ago
4x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
2x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
6x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)

Hot take – moving opponents cards is better than destroying them. 

…Not really but this deck still goes hard. This deck carried me from rank 65 to 85, and so far I’ve played more consistently good games than just about any other archetype. This deck is especially good for people like me, who, despite having played this game every day for months, cant seem to get any of the pool 3-5 cards that seem to define the meta (ex. Death, Leader, Absorbing man, Leech, Cerebro, etc.)

This deck is 100% about placement no matter what, but there are a couple main strategies you can use depending on your curve.

Strategy 1: Get as much raw power as possible within the first 4 turns using the stacking abilities of your movement cards. If you can move either Dagger or Vulture twice within that time, you’re pretty much guaranteed to lock down one or two locations. I also like to combo cards like Kraven and Polaris to get solid advantage in a spot. Then, on turns 5 and 6, use Aero and Magneto to break up any concentrated power they have and force their lower power cards to have to contest them at a second location. If you dont get Aero/Magneto, a second option is to use Heimdall in a classic Pool 2 strat to just keep buffing your early game cards.

Strategy 2: Similar to the first in the early game, but instead focus on confusing the opponent by moving absolutely everything. Between Cloak, Dr. Strange, and Polaris, it can be insanely hard for an opponent to pick up on where you’re trying to end up with your power. This means they’ll usually opt for the default strategy of concentrating on two locations. This almost always leaves one beautiful lane wide open for the big man himself: Kingpin. Throw him down on turn 4, place Aero in a different spot on turn 5 to keep the lane clear, and then Magneto their whole army to shreds. You’ll never see someone who’s playing a Zabu deck get more upset than in this moment. 

A lot of the fun of this one just comes in the form of the chaos it causes. Tons of these cards are not only fun to play, but are also extremely rare to see in rank 70 and up, so often times people just dont know the optimal strategy to beat it. It’s also been fun on rickety bridge to just pull a kamikaze move where Aero and Magneto force half their board to be destroyed. 

All in all, have fun, and for the love of god, DO NOT destroy your own board with Kingpin 

Most of the giveaway took place during the Rickety Bridge Featured Location days, a very limiting location if you aren’t playing destroy oriented cards, or Armor to cancel that synergy. In that sense, I really like thinking about this other take that exists on the Movement archetype, where you focus on moving opponent’s piece as much as yours.

Move has always been amongst the weakest synergies in Marvel Snap, and constantly needs some outside help in order to be relevant. Being aware to go to the Move archetype whenever a new element in the game makes sense is something I wanted to praise.


Created by BuzzDee
, updated 1 year ago
2x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
3x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
7x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)

It is completely random that the two Move decks on this list find themselves together, but here we are. The reason I picked this deck was to reward the outside the box thinking of mixing an established great card of the metagame in Silver Surfer, and arguably the worst of the big synergies, Move.

When we think about Silver Surfer, there are already several decks in the running, Sera Miracle, Mister Negative, Patriot, Wong… So most people will look to build their deck with those cards at the core of the strategy. It felt refreshing to see Silver Surfer come support an archetype in dire need of help in order to be competitive, and I will test this deck for sure in the coming days.

Cerebro 2 With a Twist

Cerebro 2 (H+C disturb)
Created by CosmoEX
, updated 1 year ago
1x Collection Level 1-14
2x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
2x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
6x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
1x Recruit Season

A basic cerebro 2 with Hanzmat+Cage disturb 

While someone creating a brand new concept for a deck is absolutely impressive, it doesn’t happen so often in a card game. As such, the more common feat is to be able to innovate on a deck that exists already, and have that twist make the build stronger, more surprising, and better suited to some matchups.

In this submission, I really like the idea of using the recent buff to Hazmat to help the Cerebro-2 archetype in the points department, and break the easy to predict patterns of the deck. Also, Luke Cage makes a lot of sense in the deck, as it provides a solution to cards like Scorpion, or annoying locations, which completely derail the deck’s gameplan.

Ronan Deck

You Say It Best (Ronan)
Created by plugindave
, updated 1 year ago
1x Collection Level 1-14
1x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
1x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
9x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)

This deck centres around using cards such as Black Widow, Baron Mordo, Maximus, and Beast in the early game, in order to fill your opponent’s hand as much as possible before turn 5, when you can play Ronan the Accuser, and he gains +2 per card in the opponent’s hand. 

Taskmaster or Spectrum are then used to either copy Ronan’s power or boost it, and Omega Red is a useful card too for placing on the same location as either maximus or Ronan, due to his ability to boost other locations if there is a lead of higher than 10 where he’s placed.

This deck somewhat sabotages the game plan of the opponent, and can counter cards such as Devil Dinosaur pretty well, due to how Ronan will get the same power buff that the opposing Dino will get. Etc. 

It is a deck that had the ability to shut down the opponent’s cards and is a satisfying combo to pull off.

Worth noting it can be countered by Shang-Chi and Enchantress though.

Apart from twisting already existing decks, I have a lot of praises for those who don’t give up on cards, and try to build something around them even if they aren’t the hottest thing around. In that sense, I like how plugindave tried to build something around Ronan the Accuser, and include various ways of supporting the card, in order to create a sense of flexibility in the deck.

I don’t expect this deck to be a competitive one, as we all know Ronan isn’t a strong enough win condition in the current Marvel Snap. I picked this inclusion for the deck building process and logic involved.

Ultron Kazoo

Ultron Kazoo
Created by HannibalPG
, updated 1 year ago
2x Collection Level 1-14
4x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
2x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
2x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
2x Recruit Season

Deck de buff com combos tendo ênfase no Ultron. Pode ser usado também como counter de Leader ou Silver Surfer.

Kazoo is an archetype that never stops evolving, and giving players with limited collection or those already done with Series 3 a deck building puzzle to solve.

In this one, if I liked the Ultron inclusion, which takes a page from the Patriot play book. I especially noticed the Electro slotted in the deck, as a way to open playing multiple 6-Cost cards during the game. It opens the door to playing Blue Marvel into Onslaught into Ultron for example, which can be a nice surprise for an opponent that could have been misled by the early cards we played on turn one and two.

Once again, I am not sure how reliable the deck can be on a large sample size, but I like the creativity here!

Rickety Bridge Special

Rickety Bridge! video included
Created by Zodrex
, updated 1 year ago
1x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
2x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
7x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
1x Recruit Season
1x Starter Card

There were a lot of ideas tossed around for Rickety Bridge. Deadpool, Galactus, Spider-Man and other cards have been mentioned a lot as able to abuse the Featured Location. A card I haven’t seen much of is Quake, and I really think the card was a mega star on Rickety Bridge, as she could completely throw a game on its head. As a result, when I saw this submission by Zodrex, I was happy and wanted to reward Quake being mentioned in there.

Bad Day Deck

I’m having a bad day, now you’re having a bad day
Created by tonio95
, updated 1 year ago
2x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
4x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
6x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)


If you want to waste someone’s day who probably didn’t deserve it, this deck if for you.

It’s really not difficult to play, just figure out how to irritate your opponent the most.

Because of the low power of our cards, you have to be aggressive in early turns.

Enemies will leave or snap of frustation. And cubes come pretty easy in this situation !

It has a pretty good winrate, since players don’t really know how to react.

Have fun

Apart from the name, which would easily be first if that was the point of this giveaway, I enjoyed this build in the way it was conceived as well.

One sentence I particularly enjoyed from the author’s writeup “Enemies will leave or Snap of frustration” and I think it is a great thing to keep in mind: You do not have to build a deck aimed at playing six turns if your goal is to make your opponent quit by turn four or five. It obviously will lead to some unpleasant surprises along the way, but creating your own way of playing Marvel Snap, and having a personal view on the game, goes a long in becoming a better player.


It Was Agatha All Along!
Created by cSplig
, updated 1 year ago
3x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
1x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
7x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
1x Series 4 Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 4)

Are you tired of making decisions in the first three turns of a Marvel Snap Game? How about all six turns? Take the stress out of the game with this incredible Agatha Harkness deck!

Steps (Agatha will do the work for you for most of these)

Turn 1: Skip.

Turn 2: Play Domino.

Turn 3a: Play Lady Sif.

Turn 3b: Play Zabu or nothing if you have no 3 cost cards in your hand.

Turn 4a: After Playing Lady Sif, Agatha will no longer be in your hand which is fine because you now get to control the game. It’s a high likelihood you’re smarter than the Agatha AI so this should work out for you. If Zabu is available, now would be a good time to play the Big Cat. At this point you’ll be playing a Zabu deck on turns 5 and 6 which is one of the strongest archetypes in the game right now. If Zabu is not available, I like playing either Dracula or or Jubilee turn 4. Depending on what’s in your hand, now would be a good time to snap especially if you have Ghost Rider in hand.

Turn 4b: Agatha is in charge and anything is possible. If you drew Lady Sif this turn it’s possible Agatha plays her but with other cards in your hand, it’s not something to count on. If she starts playing things in the wrong order, like Ghost Rider with nothing in the discard or Absorbing Man before playing another on reveal card, a retreat is highly recommended.

Turn 5a: At this point, you’ve got two routes. Play Zabu if not already done so you can get three cards played on turn 6. Otherwise play any two 4 drops you can. Best option is the ever infamous Spider-Man, Absorbing Man combo to lock off two lanes turn 6 and really give yourself a great shot at winning. Aero screws up this combo so be sure to be on the lookout for that counter play. Drax and Omega Red is also a great option here if you can correctly predict where you’re opponent is going to play. If you have Ghost Rider in your hand, wait to play him. A turn 6 Ghost Rider pulling Agatha out of the discard is going to be a lot of power you opponent is going to struggle to beat.

Turn 5b: Once again, It’s all up to Agatha here. If she plays something dumb, the retreat button is in the lower left hand corner of your game client.

Turn 6a: Hopefully you’ve got Zabu down. If not, your turn 6 is probably going to be pretty lackluster. The most optimal play here, assuming you have Zabu down, is going to be any combination of 4 cost cards you have left. My favorite combo here is Ghost Rider, Drax, and anything else because you are going to get a ton of power on the board that will likely beat your opponent. It’s highly unlikely that you’ll ever be playing America Chavez, and if you can empty your hand leaving just her behind, she’s a great target for Dracula. If you don’t have Ghost Rider in your hand, a retreat may be necessary. This also applies if you weren’t able to play Zabu, meaning your only play on turn 6 is just a single 4 cost card.

Turn 6b: Agatha will play herself. Hope it’s in a lane that gets you a win. If not, retreat.

This deck will seriously test your ability to snap and retreat. Because of this, gaining cubes is not a guarantee and you need to really analyze the game the whole way through to ensure you’re caring for your cubes as best you can. Additionally, I feel I should call out that the only card that will get boosters while playing this deck is Agatha Harkness. She takes boosters from the undeserving. It’s kind of her thing. However, this means if you like keeping cards at a certain rarity, you can just upgrade her to gain collection levels that way, and leave the rest of the cards in your collection right where they’re at. If that’s your thing.

Two of my best friends in Marvel Snap are huge Agatha Harkness fans, but personally, not so much. Yet, when I saw this deck, it made me laugh at the simple idea that maybe, Zabu is good enough for Agatha to play it and win games. In addition to this, Agatha Harkness thinning your deck, as she gets drawn at game start, will increase your chances of drawing Zabu.

In this one, I therefore want to reward the deckbuilding of finding yet another way to find Zabu more reliably on turn three. Also, the creative way of using Agatha Harkness in a deck that, on paper, seems difficult to miss play with.

Thanos, Death, and a Ton of 1-Cost cards

Thanozoo Deathwave
Created by Marusbir
, updated 1 year ago
1x Collection Level 1-14
2x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
1x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
5x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
1x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)
2x Recruit Season

First, I was happy to see Shanna included in the theorycraft submissions, not going to lie. Then, I was even happier to see the card make a lot of sense in the deck she was included, even more so in an off meta brew!

The Death, Killmonger, Nova package has been discussed in Thanos Zoo for a while, and never really made the cut. But I think Shanna could be a talking point as to reopen that debate, considering how much we can reduce Death‘s price with Killmonger now. Definitely a deck I am eager to try if I get lucky and find Shanna at some point in a Collector’s Cache.

Electro Ramp Moves!

Electro Heimdall Ramp
Created by morocotopo
, updated 1 year ago
3x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
1x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
8x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)

As you can see this is a variant of Electro Ramp, that uses Heimdall to win unwinnable games.

Original idea from @Bynx_Plays i saw in YT.

Core cards:

  • Heimdall: The namesake. Allows you to move your units to the left in the last turn.
  • Electro: The other namesake. Although it limits the cards you can play (unless destroyed or deactivating his ongoing ability), it gives you 1+ energy for the rest of the game, allowing you to play the 5+ costed cards since turn 4.
  • Wave: In case Electro doesn’t show up in your hand, she will help you cast one of the big cards on turn 4.

The idea is to put all your opponent’s cards to their right as possible. Then Heimdall ftw!

But how? 

  • Doctor Octopus can fill the right side in an instant, empty their hands, disrupting combos/interactions.
  •  Magneto can move 3-4 cost cards to his location.
  • Aero can do the same as Magento.

Once you disrupt their plays, you can Heimdall to the left for the win with your big fellas already played.

If Wave / Electro do not show up, you can change your plans to use Devil Dinosaur, Giganto and Doctor Doom

Good matchups: Discard (Doc Ock MVP), Surfer and Wong decks (depending on what you catch with Doc Ock).

Hope you like it!

Last amongst the ten submissions I retained for this giveaway is a little twist to the Electro Ramp archetype.

In my book, Electro Ramp is a great deck for anyone without very strong fundamentals of Marvel Snap, as it has a basic gameplan that can be enforced during most game. In that sense, the deck doesn’t represent a fertile field for innovation, as it quickly feels done once we figured what are the big cards we want to play after Electro.

Heimdall though, is one I barely ever saw included in the deck, but which could make some sense, as it adds unpredictability to an otherwise quite linear deck. It allows the deck to completely change its points spread on the last turn, something barely anyone would expect from a deck only allowed to play one card next turn.

So even if the author credits Bynx_plays for the idea, I enjoyed this submission and the breakdown of the various play patterns you can find in the deck’s description.

Closing Words

There were a lot of other worthy candidates, and I want to thank everyone for entering this giveaway on Marvel Snap Zone. More will come in the future as a thank you to the continuous support we receive from the community.

Until then, find the whole Marvel Snap Zone team on our Discord, and share your Marvel Snap passion with all of us!

Good Game Everyone.

Captain Marvel Artgerm

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Den has been in love with strategy games for as long as he can remember, starting with the Heroes of Might and Magic series as a kid. Card games came around the middle school - Yu-Gi-Oh! and then Magic: The Gathering.

Hearthstone and Legends of Runeterra has been his real breakthrough and he has been a coach, writer, and caster on the French scene for many years now. He now coaches aspiring pro players and writes various articles on these games.

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