Post-Patch Discard Combo Deck Primer – July 2022


In today’s Deck Highlight, we have a Discard Combo deck by whippet. This deck looks to cheat out your big hitting cards using cards like Wave, Jubilee, and Ghost Rider – which still has a very powerful effect despite the increase in its cost in the recent patch. Enjoy the author’s deck and primer below.


Discard Combo Pointslam (v3.0.x)
Created by Whippet
, updated 2 years ago
1x Collection Level 1-14
1x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
4x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
6x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)

This deck wants to get out big stuff and very much excels at it. The early turns con be a bit lackluster, but points come eventually.

Card choices

Sunspot: Obvious card to capitalize on doing nothing in the early turns.
Lady Sif/Ghostrider: Discard a 6-drop and get it back, also provides some early play with decent points via LS. Alternatively you slam down the combo on turn six. Every big card is worth it! If you discard Odin you will get out two cards, just be sure to play the combo on an empty location in this case.
Killmonger: He is an obvious tech card. Could be replaced with other tech like Shang Chi, Scorpion, … . I like it though, sometimes it is a very sneaky play as opponents do not suspect it as we run Sunspot. Just keep it small and the loss will be minor.
Wave: Wave helps you cheat out more big stuff and limits your opponent. Against some decks it is important to hold her for the last turn, e.g. against Sera Miracle.
Jubilee: Another card to cheat out big stuff. There are only a few “bad” pulls in this deck.
Captain Marvel: Provides some swing potential and may help you to win the game if any location is blocked from playing (e.g. after an opponent’s Storm).
Magik: We will not run out of space on the board easy and as we will outvalue most other decks, Magik is the perfect fit.
Odin, Giganto, Leader, Infinaut: Big Boys good! 

Pool 3 Replacements

Giganto, Leader: Replace them as you see fit with other big stuff. Doctor Doom, Magneta, Doctor Octopus, Hulk, Ironman, Hobgoblin, Jessica Jones – all those could be reasonable.
Captain Marvel: I played Vision in her place, but you can also replace with one of the aforementioned. 
Magik: As she has a unique effect, she cannot easily be replaced. If you do not have her, replace her with another swing 5-drop.
Ghostrider: The combo with LS is very unique and the most important swing for this deck. Therfore I suppose he is mandatory.
Killmonger:  Shang Chi, Scorpion, or any other tech card to counter the meta (see also card description above). With recent changes (v3.0.x), he will be one of the first pool 3 cards though.
Wave: She has also a very unique effect that benefits your deck far more than most of the other decks. You could play Storm in her place or any other tech card, but it will hurt the deck a lot imho.

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