Echo David Mack Art

Marvel Snap Spotlight Cache Schedule: Thunderbolts (April 2024)

Marvel Snap's upcoming featured cards and variants of the Spotlight Caches for the Zeroes to Heroes (April 2024) Season, and our review so you can plan ahead!

Marvel Snap’s contents of the Spotlight Caches for the Thunderbolts Season (starting April 2, 2024) has been revealed! Each week, three cards will be featured in the Spotlight Caches, and their corresponding Spotlight Variants if you have already collected the card. We recommend that you carefully choose the cards you want, and save up at least four Spotlight Caches to open to get your desired card. So take a look at the Spotlight Cache card release schedule below, and plan ahead!

You will also be able to find the full Spotlight Cache release schedule for past, current, and upcoming months in our dedicated new card release guide:

This guide is for upcoming future content and is datamined. All details are not final and may change upon official announcements or release.

Week of April 2, 2024

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Red Hulk5Viktor Farro
Sebastian Shaw5Quiet Council
Echo4David Mack

Kicking off this month is the legendary Red Hulk! This card looks like a load of fun, but also near impossible to control. He could snowball into a possible 35 power if your opponent has an extra energy each turn! Or he could simply be 11 power if you draw him on turn 6 or your opponent plays on curve.

Sebastian Shaw and Echo also make an appearance this week! While both can be useful and fun, they simply get overshadowed by stronger or more consistent cards. Still a solid week of cards if you are missing them, but not necessarily worth chasing down.

Week of April 9, 2024

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U.S. Agent5Viktor Farro
Jeff the Baby Land Shark5Kaijeff
Mirage4Phil Noto

Jeff is back! Oh, and U.S. Agent also makes his debut this week. This card looks like the weakest card of the month. -3 Power to multiple cards is a strong effect, but how often do you see your opponents stack a location with multiple big cards? He could be useful against Hela, The Living Tribunal, or Sandman decks, but you need to cut a card to slot this in. I see U.S. Agent being a possible pick for Sera decks though, as you could play him late to catch your opponent off guard to get massive value.

Jeff and Mirage also make their returns to the Spotlight rotation this week! Mirage is a simple, but solid card for collector and Loki decks. If you get a good pull, it’s better than what your opponent has and you get information. If you get a bad pull, Loki it! Jeff is an incredible S-Tier card that can slot into nearly any deck. If you don’t have him yet, he is almost worth the entire week’s caches just to get him!

Week of April 16, 2024

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Red Guardian5Viktor Farro
High Evolutionary5MCU
Lady Deathstrike4Ana Cortes

Halfway though the season brings a new killer card, Red Guardian! This card finally brings a hard counter to Dracula, as well as possibly Lockjaw if played as a setup on an empty location. Since he targets the lowest power card, he could theoretically remove the ability of any card in the game if they are either alone or are the lowest power card on the board. This definitely is a card worth keeping an eye on!

Continuing the good card trend, High Evolutionary makes another appearance this week! For low collection level players, this is a MUST have card since it gives you a meta competitive deck for the cost of 1 card. For high collection level players, this card still remains meta relevant and is definitely worth owning if you don’t yet.

Lady Deathstrike also returns this week, though is the lackluster card of the set. Her ability itself is quite strong, but her low Power and High cost keep her from being too effective. Negative decks love to use her though in builds that use Arnim Zola and Knull to boost the overall power while destroying enemy cards.

Week of April 23, 2024

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White Widow5Viktor Farro
Nico Minoru5Peach Momoko
Snowguard4Max Grecke

Clog decks get excited this week with White Widow launching! This is one of my top card picks for the week. It essentially is a 2/7 that clogs a location spot, or a 2/2 that clogs a location spot. This can go great with clogs decks to force your opponent to play into locations. Put Nebula down in a different location to really make their choices difficult! Even outside of lockdown decks, this card is a 2/7! Use Polaris or Spider-Man to pull a card out of that location on turn 6 to ensure it stays -4 power!

Nico follows up this amazing card and keeps the hype going. Nico is yet another S-Tier card this month that should be in every players collection. Her versatility can single-handedly win you matches. Snowguard is a solid card for the Collector / Loki Archetype as it gives you a buff to The Collector, cards for Loki to swap, and location interference if needed. She even sees some niche play in Silver Surfer decks since both Hawk and Bear are 3-Cost cards!

Week of April 30, 2024

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Valentina5Viktor Farro
Knull4Tyler Kirkham

With a 5 week month, we get a 5th spotlight cache this week! And this one doesn’t disappoint with Valentina, Blob, and Knull all making an appearance! Valentina looks like a wild card that will high roll one game and flop the next. A cheap 6-Cost card seems great until you roll a -3 Power Arnim Zola vs a destroy deck. I’m not sure where this card wants to find a hoke, but with an effect like that, I’m sure she will find a strong deck sooner than later.

Knull is a staple for destroy decks and is the backbone for the archetype. While the card is great, is has had the most Spotlight features than any other card, making it a bit more lackluster despite being a good card. Blob, however, is a Thanos staple that is just getting his first rerun! Besides being a powerhouse that rivals The Infinaut, this card is a nice counter to Darkhawk since it shrinks your deck when played.

Wrap Up

What Spotlight Cache are you looking forward to the most? Let us know the comments below!

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