Marvel Snap Spotlight Cache Rotation - April 30, 2024

Spotlight Cache Week of April 30, 2024: Are Valentina, Blob, and Knull Worth It?

In this new series Cache-ing In, we look into each featured card of the weekly Spotlight Cache, how you might use them, their variants, and whether if it's worth pulling for or pass on to the next week!

Welcome back to our new weekly series Cache-ing In! Each week, we break down what cards will be available in the new Spotlight Caches, as well as the Spotlight Variants! The goal is to help you determine if you should “Cache in” for the content, or hoard for a better week.

Starting this week, we also plan to feature the other two existing cards in more detail in a separate guide, not just the new one! The goal is to give you a tutorial on how to use the card most effectively in an everchanging meta, as well as help you decide if the card is worth the tokens or if you should pick it up during a Spotlight Cache week! Check them out below:

Spotlight Cache Week of April 30, 2024

This week, the featured cards will be the new Series 5 card Valentina, as well as the return of Series 5 Blob and Series 4 Knull!

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Premiering as the final card for this season is Valentina! She is a 2-Cost, 3-Power card with the ability “On Reveal: Add a random 6-Cost card to your hand. Give it -2 Cost and -3 Power.” This card is similar to Agent Coulson in that she gives you a specifically costed card that you can use to build out a curve. Combined with Quinjet, you can get a playable 6-Cost card on turn 3! You can also negate the lost Power with Shadow King or Luke Cage! In theory, this sounds great. There is a few problems I have with this card though…

The pool of 6-Cost cards are currently not all favorable to every deck. You ideally want to pull cards like Magneto, Doctor Doom, any of the 3 Hulks, or even Odin. The issue is you could also get a number of cards that are hard benefit from in decks with Valentina or that can handle the -3 Power.

The biggest card that really hurt this card is Agatha Harkness. Developers confirmed that Valentina does generate Agatha Harkness, which has the potential to really mess with your gameplan in a number of ways. Since she plays herself as soon as possible, she shouldn’t be an issue for long… unless your opponent runs Mobius M. Mobius, who is quite popular in the meta right now.

To most effectively use Valentina, you naturally want to use her with Loki. If you get a good card like Magneto, play it out! Get a bad card like Ultron, reset with Loki! Just like with the randomness of Agent 13 or Agent Coulson, Valentina can have her bad rolls fixed with a simple Loki.

Valentina Loki
Created by CanadianAlfredo
, updated 18 days ago
1x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
1x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
2x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
2x Series 4 Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 4)
6x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)

Alternatively, you could use Valentina in a The Collector and Devil Dinosaur deck! Her card generation helps to trigger The Collector by 1 power. If the card is good, play it out! If the card is bad, it stays in your hand and Devil Dino gets the extra Power. Utilizing Quinjet again, you can also use Moon Girl to give you 2 6-Cost cards that cost 3! Depending on the card generated, that could give you a massive turn 6 play following Devil Dinosaur.

Valentina Good Cards
Created by CanadianAlfredo
, updated 18 days ago
3x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
2x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
3x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
1x Series 4 Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 4)
3x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)

Overall, I think Valentina is an OK card. Like Agent Coulson, her generated card could be super beneficial, or it could be a dead card in hand. The Agatha issue does hurt playability, but generating Agatha Harkness is only a 3.7% chance. The card’s biggest issue is consistency and taking up a card slot over an already tight list.

Loki decks already have Cable and Mirage to generate a card at 2-Cost, so Valentina has to perform better than them to make the cut. That leaves Collector Dino decks for her, which aren’t very meta competitive currently. I think Valentina is a card you wouldn’t hate to own, but not one you would want to seek out quickly.

Check out our strategy guide and more decklists on this new card!


Also joining this cache is the infamous Blob! Blob is a tricky card to rate in the current meta. He is a great card in Thanos, but with Thanos difficult to play during his active rework, Blob has struggled to find a new home elsewhere.

His biggest struggle is gaining enough power from your deck to become worth playing, but also having enough power already on the board that you can afford a stat stick in one location to win you the match. If you need a big stat stick finisher, Red Hulk just does the job better. This deck is Blob’s strongest deck so far.

Created by Kingvenom
, updated 24 days ago
2x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
2x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
1x Series 4 Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 4)
7x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)

Simply put, I think Blob is an easy pass in this current meta. Until Thanos becomes more playable or a deck emerges that can utilize him well, you can hold off on adding Blob to your collection if you are missing him.

For a detailed guide on how to use Blob, his synergies, and more, check out our new Blob guide!


Landing the final card slot of the season is the legendary Knull! Knull is the key card destroy decks need to be competitive. Being able to destroy a bunch of cards throughout a match let’s you slam a massive power card down on any location and contest it. Without Knull, destroy decks have to rely on Venom and Deadpool to along with Arnim Zola or Taskmaster to successfully win. While that task isn’t impossible, it is significantly easier with Knull in your deck.

This deck is the classic Destroy list, which is essentially a 11 card deck and 1 flex slot you can use to adapt to the meta. That flex slot can include Arnim Zola, Forge, Taskmaster, Shang-Chi, or even Lady Deathstrike!

Created by Kingvenom
, updated 31 days ago
4x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
1x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
4x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
1x Series 4 Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 4)
2x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)

Knull is easily a must have card if you enjoy Destroy decks. Fortunately, the card is a Series 4, meaning you don’t have to necessarily wait for Spotlight Caches to obtain it. However you obtain the card though, Knull is definitely worth having.

For a detailed guide on how to use Knull the most efficiently, check out our new Knull guide!

Spotlight Variants

If you already own the cards the Spotlight Cache offers, one of these variants will take it’s place! If you own none of the cards, the variants will appear after you open all four caches. Spotlight variants are time exclusive to their release week, with no estimated time on when they will be available again: The developers recently mentioned they are looking to make Spotlight Variants available in the shop 1 year after their release, though no mention of cost yet. So if any of these Spotlight variants feel like a must have for you, make sure to Cache In if you have enough caches saved to guarantee the pull.

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Viktor Farro launches his first line of variants to Marvel Snap this month! This week features Viktor’s take on Valentina!

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If you like Luchador variants, this Luchador Blob might be for you! Artist Joverine made this art, as well as other Luchador variants and a large number of base art and variants in Snap!

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This Knull variants comes from artist Tyler Kirkham, who has 6 total variants in the game. One of which is the “remember” meme Wolverine variant, as well as the popular venomized Loki variant.

Should I Cache In?

This week keeps the standard cache value of two Series 5 cards and 1 Series 4 cards. Knull is the best card in the lineup, but is a Series 4 card. Blob can be good in Thanos, but that deck is temporarily nerfed while Thanos undergoes changes. Valentina isn’t necessarily a bad card, but rather suffers high competition in the 2-Cost slot for card generation.

My recommendation this week is to Hoard Your Caches. This cache would have been a easy cache-in 2 months ago when Thanos was the best deck and Destroy followed close behind. In the current meta though, it’s hard to recommend caches with this lineup. Valentina could absolutely be used in high tier Loki decks, but I don’t think she is required by any means.

Rating: 2 out of 5.

Wrap Up

Do you think Valentina will be a good card? Will you be Cache-ing In this week? Let us know in the comments! For the full schedule, check out our guide below:

Captain Marvel Artgerm

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