Jolly’s Nim Jacinto 2.0

Deck of the Day – TheJollyRoger’s Nim Jacinto 2.0

A real top-level potential tier 1 Nimrod deck with a .74 cube rate and a great 56% win rate!

Hello everyone, and welcome to Deck of the Day! I’m Glazer of Snap Judgments: The Official Marvel Snap Zone Podcast, and every weekday I’m going to be highlighting a different deck for you to try out!

Today’s deck from TheJollyRoger has an absolutely insane .74 cube rate with a great 56% win rate. It’s your standard Nimrod Destroy list of the type Lamby’s Discord made, with a twist that makes it so much better. Outside of Nimrod, everything in this deck is Series 3 or below, but Nimrod is an absolutely insane card here and the core of the deck.

Intro + Disclaimers

This is a real top-level potential Tier 1 deck.

Sometimes the decks featured in this article will be Tier 1, the most competitive decks in the metagame. Sometimes they will be fun tier. Often, they will feature Series 4 and 5 cards (which is hopefully less of an issue with the Card Acquisition change), but sometimes they will be Series 3 or even lower.

Additionally, these decks can come from anywhere – they could be homebrews, a really cool idea from your favorite content creator, a tried and true meta deck, and sometimes, well, we won’t really know where the deck came from. We endeavor, however, to credit original deck creators whenever possible, so if we miss one, please do let us know! Want to submit a deck for consideration? Email me [email protected].

The Deck

Jolly’s Nim Jacinto 2.0
Created by PulseGlazer
, updated 10 months ago
5x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
1x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
5x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
1x Series 4 Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 4)

Deck History

Nimrod has been widely considered the worst, or one of the worst Season Pass cards ever released in Marvel Snap.

That idea is example one of why we are just so bad at evaluating cards. Nimrod was released at the height of Shuri-Red Skulls power when it and Thanos were by far the two most powerful decks. Essentially, as soon as those got nerfed. Nimrod had its home.

Galactus Nimrod Winrate – 58%, .42, 360g
Created by PulseGlazer
, updated 10 months ago
1x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
7x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
2x Series 4 Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 4)
2x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)

As everyone kept playing standard Galactus decks, the Nimrod variants of the deck had a win rate approaching the best decks in the game and a cube rate to match. Yes, the Destroy archetype wasn’t real yet, but it wasn’t with Nimrod or any other card in the game. Galactus as a home for Nimrod was the safest way to rack up wins with the big G right up until the month of his nerf when other versions finally overtook it.

For a short while, Nimrod was pushed out of the meta, but OTA changes making it six power along with the release of Phoenix basically immediately put it back into contention as a key piece to Infinite Decks.

Nimrod had a new home, but even his old home of Galactus was still performing extremely well in the meta!

Galactus Nimrod
Created by AtomikMenace
, updated 11 months ago
4x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
2x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
4x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
1x Series 4 Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 4)
1x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)

Indeed, it seemed for a moment that Galactus and the Phoenix Force move hybrid decks would be the home for Nimrod for the foreseeable future. But then Lamby went to Creator Clash…

And while he was away, his Discord members started to crack a Nimrod list built around Shuri, Venom, and Carnage.

This list, once public, underwent some tweaks – our own Safetyblade added Iron Lad and Spider-Ham – and the list was thought to be solved.

Enter TheJollyRoger. The King of Marvel Snap TikTok always has a new idea and, in this case, well, two cards – Invisible Woman and Taskmaster – would change everything.

How to Play

This is two decks in one, with two very different game plans that complement each other super well.

Gameplan 1, which we’ll call the Lamby plan, is built around getting Shuri into Nimrod out. Once this is one, the last turn can be Destroyer or two of Carnage, Deathlok, and Venom to spread Nimrods all over the board. Venom is the priority here since it keeps the power of the original Nimrod.

The other playline is the Jolly Roger one – to get Invisible Woman out in one lane. In another lane goes Shuri, then Taskmaster into the Invisible Woman lane. The last turn, you play Destroyer. He gets 30 power and then Taskmaster reveals, also getting 30 power. This is extra nice since Spider-Ham is everywhere, meaning Destroyer often doesn’t even destroy your own board!

It’s worth knowing that certain cards- notably Aero and Cosmo – will ruin your entire game plan. Armor can make the first plan difficult, as well.

Here are the play lines:

  • Turn 1: Nova is fine basically anywhere.
  • Turn 3: Unless I have Deathlok, Carnage, AND Venom in hand, I’m not playing any one of them. If I have all 3, that’s the exact order to play them. None are as worthwhile as getting Wolverine or Invisible Woman down.
  • Turn 4: Shuri over everything. If not, fill in whatever from the previous turns you can.
  • Turn 5: You have two choices – Taskmaster into an Invisible Woman lane or Nimrod into another lane (a Shuri lane if there is one).. Either one is fine depending on the board – Nimrod is better if a location is locked off or your opponent is likely going to play Shang-ChiTaskmaster is an easier way to steal cubes since you’ve played so little it’s hard to see coming.
  • Turn 6: If you played Invisible Woman and Taskmaster, you’d like to play Destroyer to make two 30-power lanes, as Destroyer will double from Shuri then Taskmaster will copy that Destroyer. The other major play down this line is to play America Chavez after Shuri if you didn’t see Destroyer. 18 power in one lane and 21 in another is less likely to win, but you could have enough power from other parts of the game to still get the win. You can also Venom and another destroy card if you went the Nimrod path. If so, this puts 24 power worth of Nimrod on two lanes of your choosing – add in Venom’s at least 12 and potential other cards like Wolverine or Carnage being up to 8 power and the buffs from Nova and it gets crazy with, again, multiple 30 power lanes. You can also destroy Nimrod once and just play Destroyer if you didn’t see two other destroy cards.

Card Substitutions

The only card I really think fits here that isn’t in the deck yet is Bucky. He gets destroyed in either playline into a 2-6. That’s got enough value to be here, but not space. If for some reason you dislike Invisible Woman and Taskmaster here, you can add in Iron Lad and any good one drop – I’m partial to Spider-Ham.

Please don’t play this deck without Nimrod.

Conclusion + Video

I’ve been dominating with this list. Unless the meta adds Cosmo, this deck is insanely strong against everything!

If you’d like a video discussion of this deck, check my page out. Watch my video on the deck here:

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Articles: 132