The Space Throne

Hot Location June 19, 2022: The Space Throne

The Hot Location for the next 24 hours is The Space Throne, which allows players to have only one card at this location.

Hot Locations happen every Sunday for 24 hours, and has a 60% increased chance of appearing during games. Players who strategically build around it can have an advantage over their opponents!

Cards that generates summon cards like Squirrel Girlwill not be ideal for The Space Throne where you will be stuck with a one power card.

On the other hand, cards that buff other locations such as Mister Fantastic and Klaw can be great.

This is another great location for cards that get big on their own such as Devil Dinosaur and Namor, when Atlantis was the Featured Location.

Here’s a relatively beginner friendly sample deck you can try to leverage playing big cards!

Please insert deck uuid. click the edit button for this block.


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