Gamma Lab

Gamma Lab Featured Location: Best Cards and Recommended Decks

This week’s Marvel Snap Featured Location is Gamma Lab: After turn 3, transform all cards here into the Hulk. This is a brand new location that is now added to the location card pool and will show up 40% more frequently in games during the feature period, which lasts for the next 48 hours.

Important note: “tokens”, such as Debrii rocks, Mister Sinister clones, and Brood clones DO NOT turn into Hulks. In addition, buffs given before the Hulk transformation carry over after it!

Gamma Lab encourages you to play cards that are cheap, such as The Hood, Yellowjacket, Wasp, Uatu the Watcher and Iceman. Uatu lets you see the location in advance, while Iceman can prevent your opponent from curving out on Gamma Lab.

Another specific card that receives a buff is Venom, who can eat several Hulks on turn 4, and allow you to either continue deploying into the lane, or copy his 33+ power with Taskmaster.

Given the weird token interactions, there are several very obvious counterplays to what we can reasonably expect to be a metagame that involves playing multiple one-drops into Gamma Lab.

Killmonger can help to clear the location out early if your opponent is spamming one-drops into Gamma Lab. Shang-Chi can help to clear out Hulks later in the game, which encourages you to run Armor to counter possible Shang-Chis.

The Guardians of the Galaxy cards actually keep their buffs after the Hulk transformation, creating 14 and 13 power Hulks that can help break parity if you have the same number of Hulks at the location.

Iron Man is a lategame play that can lock up the lane entirely. Quake can juke the location of Gamma Lab, rendering spamming ineffective.

Below, you can see a deck built with the idea of countering Hulk spam, abandoning investment in the lane entirely and focusing on playing an anti-Hulk gameplan while maintaining the ability to put power on the board as a quasi-Sera Miracle deck if the location does not show up.

Another option would be to play Sera + Mister Negative with Shang-Chi, and trust that your lategame power and Shang-Chi can carry you through.

Sera Anti-Hulk Tech
Created by KMBest
, updated 2 years ago
3x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
4x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
3x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
2x Starter Card

In Pool 2, my favored strategy would be to tech a Zoo list out against the likely flood of Zoo and Hulk spam that could occur. This means including Elektra, Star-Lord and Shang-Chi in what is otherwise a fairly typical list.

pool 2 gamma lab zoo
Created by KMBest
, updated 2 years ago
2x Collection Level 1-14
5x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
2x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
1x Recruit Season
2x Starter Card

What is your strategy for Gamma Lab? Let us know in the comments below, or our Discord community! Remember to share your decks using our deck builder or browse our deck database!


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KMBest is a long-time card game player, at both competitive and casual levels. Focused on self-improvement and community outreach, he's one of the most active content creators in the Marvel Snap community. He can often be found debating deckbuilding on Discord, as well as on his Twitch stream at

Articles: 13