Marvel Snap Emotes

Emotes and Reactions

Everything you need to know about Marvel Snap Emotes and card reactions, a guide on how to use them, and a preview of some upcoming ones.

Ever wonder when it’s appropriate to use emotes or when it’s not in Marvel Snap? What do the emotes really mean? How are people reacting to cards being played? Are we getting more emotes in the future? In this article, we will break down all of these questions and more as we dive into everything we know about Emotes and card reactions!

What Are Emotes?

If you don’t already know, emotes are reactions you can use in matches to talk to your opponent without using words. You can access these by tapping your avatar during a match, and then selecting an option from the menu. After that, your emote displays to both you and your opponent. Easy enough, right?

Emotes List

Here are the list of Emotes in Marvel Snap:

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What Are the Different Emotes For?

Marvel Snap Emotes

While the developers may have intended emotes to mean one thing, the community will make their own meanings over time. Below is a breakdown of each default emote and what the actual message they will convey:

Fist Bump

Thing/Hulk Fist Bump Emote
Thing/Hulk Fist Bump Emote

The most straightforward emote is the Hulk/Thing Fist bump. This sends a simple “good game” message to your opponent, whether that be from a loss or a win.

Thumbs Up!

Ms. Marvel Thumbs Up
Ms. Marvel Thumbs Up Emote

In theory, this emote would mean “good job!” In reality, the community sees and uses this emote as a toxic emote or a “screw you” emote. This is due to the game’s lack of negative emotes, so the community created their own to communicate how they feel. The Ms. Marvel wink combined with a thumbs up makes the thumbs up feel like it has another meaning.

Players will sometimes use this after an annoying play, such as after getting beaten by a Galactus activating, or an Armor dropping over a destroy setup. Moral of the story with this emote is avoid using it as a friendly message, as it may likely be ill received.


Deadpool Ouch Emote
Deadpool Ouch Emote

The arrow-riddled Deadpool emote is a simpler emote, meant to convey that something was misplayed. Using it after you mess up your own play is a silly way of saying “yes I know I messed up, oops…”. Using it when your opponent makes a mistake can be a bit more toxic, though not as much as the thumbs up.

Finger Point!

Spider-Man Doppleganger Emote
Spider-Man Doppleganger Emote

Did you and your opponent play the same cards? Spider-Man finger point! The classic meme had to be included in Snap, and is a great way to acknowledge a mirror match or similar plays. Many players also use this emote to point out they recognize their opponent by finger pointing at the start of a match!


Thanos Snap Emote
Thanos Snap Emote

The Thanos Snap, also known as the “gotcha” emote. There aren’t many friendly uses for this emote, as the coy face on Thanos suggests. It’s used as an aggressive way for a player to taunt their opponent or gloat their victory. Emote spammers will often combine this emote with the “Snap?” text box or the Thumbs Up emote to get under their opponents skin.

Alternate Usage For Fist Bump

In the Conquest mode, players will use the Fist Bump emote in the Proving Grounds. Typically, you will use the Fist Bump emote the moment the match starts along with snapping. This communicates to your opponent that you would like to make this Conquest match a 1 match session to grind Silver tickets and a few medals. Some players will combine the “Snap?” text with the Fist Bump to further the idea.

This of course does not guarantee a short Proving Grounds match, as your opponent may be more interested in testing their deck before going up the gauntlet. The emote does communicate to your opponent that your Snap is not intended to be toxic or to signify a perfect starting hand. Instead, it simply communicates you would like a quick, friendly match.

Card Reaction Emotes

A lesser known feature in Marvel Snap, you can use a different set of emotes on cards in a match! To do this, simply tap on any card in play, then tap on Second Dinner’s mascot “Fud”. Or alternatively, tap-and-hold (or click-and-hold on PC) on a Card or Location to bring up the Reaction Wheel to quickly React with an emoji to your opponent!

There, a small list of emote reactions will appear:

By tapping one of these emotes, the card you selected will show that emote over the card, letting your opponent know how you feel! Did you only lose the game due to a Cosmo? Angry emote the Cosmo! Did the opponent play a beautiful split of a super rare variant? Show your impressions with that Starry-eyed emote or the Shocked emote! Opponent high roll? Use the Shocked emote on the culprit!

On the flip side, you can also emote your own cards. Draw attention to your favorite card split or react to your own stellar play. You can also be more toxic and emote a frustrating play, like using your Leech or Juggernaut to mess up your opponent’s play.

How to Turn Off Emotes

If you find yourself easily tilted by emotes your opponent uses, or if your opponent spams them to mess with you, there is an easy solution! Simply tap on the opponent’s avatar in a match and tap “Mute”. This will silence them for the rest of the match.

Unfortunately, in Conquest mode you currently have to mute them every round, but hopefully this will change soon. There are also rumors of a global mute function coming that will disable all emotes for a player. This function, however, has not been confirmed by the developers, but rather mentioned by their support staff. So this legitimately of these rumors has yet to be confirmed.

Where to Get New Emotes

Emotes can be obtained in 3 ways:

Emotes featured in the Cosmetic Shop and Albums are not time-limited and can be collected at any time. Bundle Emotes, however, are exclusive to the time they were featured. This makes them much more exclusive and collectable.

Will There Be More Emotes Added?

New Emotes are being added each week! Make sure to check new Albums and the Cosmetics Shop to see new Emote releases. You can also check our Emote database or Marvel Snap Schedule Calendar to see what will be releasing in the future.

Will More Reactions Be Added?

There also appear to be new card reaction emotes as well! Though these seem to be similar across the board, with the only difference being who the character is. There does, however, seem to be a new emote being added! It appears to be an “I can’t look” style of emote, which currently isn’t a possible reaction you can use. These new reactions are currently unavailable, but have been hinted to be rewards for the upcoming Character Mastery!

Has your love of friendly sharks caused you to collect every Jeff variant? And how perfect does that Ink split with black Krackle flare look on your Chibi Jeff? Well, now is the time to show off your mastery of playing and collecting each character in Marvel Snap! After Character Mastery launches, every cosmetic you collect for a character will contribute towards unlocking brand new Splits and exclusive rewards. If you thought Gold, Ink, and Krackle were fun, we have even more fun on the way! Earned your 4th Iron Man variant? Gain Iron Man Mastery. Earned your 3rd Gamora avatar? Gain Gamora Mastery. Split Venom for the 157th time, gain Mastery. As your Mastery for a character goes up, you unlock new and cooler Splits and eventually a brand new cosmetic type, Reactions. Exclusively available as a Mastery reward for each character, reactions are the fun emoji you can show off on cards and locations. What if your reaction was Goose or Wolverine? Your opponent will immediately know your dedication and love for that character when you show it off.

In its current Design, every few levels of Character Mastery you gain unlocks a Mastery Milestone. Each character has unique Mastery Milestone challenges for you to complete! Imagine reaching Deadpool Mastery 10 and unlocking a challenge to have Deadpool be over 100 power in a match. Completing a Mastery Milestone will earn new rewards for that character potentially including new Split unlocks, a new Collectible Border, or currencies to help you continue to increase your Collection Level. This is the current design, and it may change by the time we launch it, but we can’t wait to share it with you!

Marvel Snap Development Roadmap

Closing Thoughts

Emotes are a great way to liven up a match with silliness, tension, and aggressiveness, as well as let players react to events and cards. While the emote system now seems bare bones, the upcoming content definitely will add more excitement to the feature. If any updates happen to Emotes, we will make sure to update this guide accordingly.

Did we miss anything? Do you like to use emotes? Let us know in the comments!


Captain Marvel Artgerm

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