Daken Mech

Best Marvel Snap Cards: Series 4 & 5 Meta Tier List – November 8, 2023

New Marvel Snap cards are hard to come by, and it's important to spend your Spotlight Caches and Collector's Tokens wisely. In this new series, we review all the Series 4 & 5 cards to keep you up to date on the meta!

In Marvel Snap, new cards are released weekly as a Series 4 or 5 card and players need to carefully plan and think about if they should purchase the card or not. To help players make better decisions and build better decks based on their collection by comparing the power levels of individual cards, we rate all the cards from Series 4 and 5 into a Meta Tier List and review the current meta.

  • Each week on a Tuesday, a new Series 4 or 5 card is introduced to the game. For more information on card release schedules, click here.
  • Series 4 and 5 cards can be obtained from Spotlight Caches that appear every 120 Collection Levels after 500. They can be one of the three featured cards that rotate every week, or a random Series 4 or 5 card.
  • Series 4 cards cost 3,000 Collector’s Tokens and Series 5 cards 6,000, from the Token Shop.
  • Cards are no longer on a scheduled Series Drop and is at the discretion of the developer. Currently, there is no indication that there will be one for the foreseeable future.

Introduction to the New Series 4 & 5 Meta Tier List Report

For this first report, we will take a moment to explain our new approach to rating and reviewing all the Series 4 and 5 cards. Over the past few months it has become clear Series Drops are not occurring as often and major changes can occur to cards changing their value. This changes the previously maintained Meta Tier Lists almost weekly, which was never the original intention of our old tier list structure.

Each week, we theorycraft the new cards, then review their performance going into the Weekend Challenge and provide decks and insight based on gameplay. However, the tier list was consistently being left behind as it was supposed to indicate a card’s long term potential as well as its current strength.

Normally, I don’t like to mention myself in articles but to give some background on how the cards are being ranked, it has to be mentioned. Currently, I would be considered a high Infinite player having spent the majority of the past two seasons in the top 100 and winning multiple Infinity Avatars in Conquest. All my gameplay is in this range and is informed by playing these cards against the best players.

Additionally, without ever buying Boosters I have split every single card (except Black Knight at the time of writing because it seems to be dodging Boosters somehow) at least once and most of them twice. This gives me a solid understanding of how each card is played and means these reports will not just be based just on statistics, but also in game experience.

Each fortnight, or after major changes to the meta (such as balance updates), the tier list will be updated a few days later. The approach is aiming to focus on the gameplay experience as well as some statistics such as win rate or Cube rate to support it, but it no longer will be a deep dive on each card and the long term potential of owning them.

Instead, these reports will discuss the biggest movers and shakers, and highlight at least one deck to try (although often will aim for more) and the tier list will be updated accordingly. Hopefully, this will help ensure this is a valuable resource for reviewing cards to consider investing in, and a better live snapshot of how the cards are playing!

Series 4 Card Meta Tier List

Tier 1Snowguard
Tier 2Darkhawk
Tier 3Legion
Mobius M. Mobius**
Tier 4Master Mold
Negasonic Teenage Warhead
Ravonna Renslayer
Tier 5Spider-Man 2099

Tier Explanation

This tier list is heavily geared towards the current metagame and the report will be updated minimum bi-weekly. This is to adjust for the in-game balance changes and what is competitively viable.

  • Tier 1: These are the cards which support a current top tier deck in the metagame or are universally strong enough that not owning them is a disadvantage.
  • Tier 2: These are strong cards which are core to playing currently strong archetypes or are strong enough that you can play them in several different deck types.
  • Tier 3: These are strong supporting pieces of specific archetypes which can be replaced, part of archetypes which are currently not performing to the level of the Tier 2 cards but can be played or universal cards that are options but often replaceable.
  • Tier 4: These cards are niche and can only be used within very specific archetypes or only support an archetype which is currently not performing.
  • Tier 5: These cards are very limited and easily eclipsed by other options.
  • Kang: This tier is a special tier to represent just how much lower this card is than the cards above.
  • * This card is provisionally ranked and in-game performance may change the ranking as changes are not finalized or still too new.
  • ** This card is ranked higher in anticipation of a changing metagame due to new card releases or balance changes and will be evaluated again on release.

Mobius Prepares for His Return

The big news is Mobius M. Mobius is returning to an ongoing card in the OTA Balance Update later this week on Thursday:

This brings the card back from the bottom of the tier list to potentially a Tier 3 card. The issue should be at 3-cost, the impact of changing your deck to include the card is higher than before and the loss of tempo is a big enough hit that he cannot be universally included by anyone who dislikes cost reduction.

This also though means it is not as big of a Loki counter still and the top of the tier list is likely to remain unchanged. The card was purchased by many (including the expensive Form And Function Bundle) and we should see experimentation to try and bring him back. One deck which may be able to bring the card back and compete is Sera.

Mobius M. Mobius Police
Created by SafetyBlade
, updated 6 months ago
3x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
2x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
2x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
3x Series 4 Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 4)
2x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)

Here we can play Mobius on 3 or 4, play Sera on 5 and then look to counter the opponent’s play. We are making the bold choice to cut the Shadow King and Luke Cage here as we don’t want Loki to take these two and including Enchantress due to the rise of Darkhawk decks over the recent week.

Loki Still Reigns Supreme

Loki decks have been considered hard to pilot and the inclusion of Werewolf By Night didn’t make them easier. However, the raw power of these decks is starting to be fully realized and compensating for the difficulty.

Werewolf By Night actually covers the original deck’s weaknesses and has made a situation where Loki is clearly the best direction to go for consistent matchups across the board. Unfortunately, many of the cards which make this deck strong are part of this tier list, but the strength does not make them safe purchases.

Created by SafetyBlade
, updated 6 months ago
1x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
1x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
3x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
2x Series 4 Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 4)
5x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)

This version tries to be as focused on pure stats as possible to make the range of matchups better, but you will see many versions including several tech cards and ways to keep Werewolf By Night moving instead.

The power play is switching hands with Loki on 4 after setting up several scaling cards and this should usually be the focus of your plays. The skill comes from recognizing when that isn’t the play, and changing plans and piecing together game plans from what you get.


The Discard archetype is on the rise in a big way due to Loki and the lack of Mobius M. Mobius this week. Expect a small hit when Mobius M. Mobius returns. However, this highlighted the strength of the archetype as a pure power deck which is relatively unfazed by our opponent’s plans. We have to plan the lanes we are going for and draw the cards, but outside of this we can narrow down most matches to at least a 50/50 but usually with much better odds of winning.

Loki can get some high power plays, but often your power comes from the synergies each turn. The key card and riser here is MODOK. The other Discard cards in the tier list can be important, but MODOK makes the deck sing. Without MODOK you are playing a lesser version of Discard and also cannot play Hela Tribunal decks, another fringe competitor at all times.

MODOK rises near the top of our new tier list report for the first version, based on the new logic being applied. However, if you don’t enjoy Discard decks he still isn’t the card for you.

Created by SafetyBlade
, updated 6 months ago
5x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
2x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
3x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
2x Series 4 Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 4)

Along with Destroy, Discard is one of the evergreen archetypes. Whilst you can change parts of the shell, the deck in general remains the same. Hellcow returns as a way to make sure you hit the Discards more, but otherwise innovation here is low. We have seen Nico Minoru showing up in place of Blade or Hellcow, which can give some flexibility also.

Nico Minoru

Then there is Nico Minoru. She has arrived with a bang as we expected, and found her way into being a staple in the current best deck as well as reviving Destroy which is a current top contender also due to how it can focus on it’s own gameplan. Nico Minoru is likely to settle around the same level as Jeff the Baby Land Shark.

Nico Minoru is a strong consideration in almost every deck and potentially making most of them better. This is slightly different to replaceable as the versions of decks with Nico are often better than without, the same as it was when Jeff came out. It is still early though, and being cautious with this one could be wise.

Created by SafetyBlade
, updated 6 months ago
5x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
4x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
1x Series 4 Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 4)
2x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)

The final question currently with Destroy seems to be Taskmaster but as you can see another card from the tier list is core – X-23. She is effective in ensuring you have the Energy throughout the game to scale your Deadpool and set up for strong turn 5 and 6 plays.

Not including X-23 in a Destroy-focused deck right now is playing a lesser version and hard to recommend due to how important she is. Unlike Discard however, Destroy suffers greatly if Armor and Cosmo start appearing in the meta and therefore some of the supporting cards can drop significantly in different metagames.


That’s it! All Series 4 and 5 cards in Marvel Snap ranked currently. Marvel Snap is an unique game, and these cards can lead to different variants and at times you may just like a certain character more than others. So a final disclaimer – chasing the card you want with your heart instead of you head is not wrong.

Have we missed any ideas which raise or lower the bar for these cards? Let us know below or our Discord server.

Looking forward to more of the community acquiring these cards and seeing how players utilize them in new interesting ways!

Good luck out there!

Captain Marvel Artgerm

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SafetyBlade is an reformed Hearthstone addict and Marvel Fanboy from Australia. Needless to say Marvel Snap is the perfect game for him!

Articles: 213