Mockingbird Nen Chang Variant Art

Marvel Snap Card Meta Tier List: March 25, 2024 – Best Series 4 & 5 Cards

New Marvel Snap cards are hard to come by, and it's important to spend your Spotlight Caches and Collector's Tokens wisely. In this new series, we review all the Series 4 & 5 cards, as well as decks you can try to keep you up to date on the meta!

In Marvel Snap, new cards are released weekly into Series 4 or 5, and players need to carefully think about whether they should purchase the card or not. To help players make better decisions and build better decks based on their collections, we rate all the cards from Series 4 and 5 into a Meta Tier List and review the current meta.

  • Each week on Tuesday, a new Series 4 or 5 card is introduced to the game. For more information on card release schedules, click here.
  • Series 4 and 5 cards can be obtained from Spotlight Caches that appear every 120 Collection Levels after 500. They can be one of the three featured cards that rotate every week, or a random Series 4 or 5 card.
  • Series 4 cards cost 3,000 Collector’s Tokens and Series 5 cards cost 6,000 from the Token Shop.
  • Cards no longer have a scheduled Series Drop; it is now at the discretion of the developer. Most recently, 14 cards dropped series with the patch on January 9, 2024. There are one or two more planned for 2024.

Introduction to the New Card Meta Tier List Report

This report is informed by our new approach to rating and reviewing all of the Series 4 and 5 cards. Over the past few months, it has become clear that Series Drops will not be occurring as often, and major changes can occur to cards that change their value. This changes the previously maintained Meta Tier Lists almost weekly, which was never the original intention of our old Tier List structure.

Instead, these reports will discuss the biggest movers and shakers and highlight at least one deck to try (although I will often aim for more), and the Tier List will be updated accordingly. Hopefully, this will help ensure this is a valuable resource for reviewing cards to consider investing in, as well as a better live snapshot of how the cards are playing! This report will be updated every 2 weeks or after significant changes occur.

Series 4 Card Meta Tier List

Tier 1Zabu
Tier 2Snowguard
Ravonna Renslayer
Miek 🔼
Tier 3The Phoenix Force 🔼
Nimrod 🔼
Mobius M. Mobius 🔼
Daken 🔼
Kitty Pryde
Tier 4Martyr 🔼
Silver Samurai 🔽
Lady Deathstrike
Hit Monkey
Tier 5Howard the Duck

Series 5 Card Meta Tier List

Tier 1Thanos
Jeff the Baby Land Shark
Mockingbird 🆕
Hope Summers 🆕
Tier 2Cull Obsidian
Ms. Marvel
Nico Minoru
High Evolutionary
Iron Lad
Black Knight
Caiera 🔽
Tier 3Black Swan
Proxima Midnight
Corvus Glaive
Werewolf By Night
The Living Tribunal
Elsa Bloodstone 🔼
Beta Ray Bill 🔽
Tier 4Sebastian Shaw
Pixie 🆕
Cannonball 🆕
Tier 5Jean Grey
Grand Master
Mar 26War Machine

Tier Explanation

This Tier List is heavily geared towards the current environment, and the report will be updated bi-weekly at a minimum. This is to adjust for the in-game balance changes and what is competitively viable.

  • Tier 1: These are the cards that support a current top tier deck in the meta or are universally strong enough that not owning them is a disadvantage.
  • Tier 2: These are strong cards that are core to playing the currently strong archetypes, or are strong enough that you can play them in several different deck types.
  • Tier 3: These are strong supporting pieces of specific archetypes that can be replaced, part of archetypes that are currently not performing at a Tier 2 level, or are universal cards that are options but often replaceable.
  • Tier 4: These cards are niche and can only be used within very specific archetypes or only support an archetype that is currently not performing well.
  • Tier 5: These cards are very limited and easily eclipsed by other options.
  • Kang: This tier is a special tier to represent just how much lower this card is than the cards above.
  • * This card is provisionally ranked, and in-game performance may change the ranking as the changes are either not finalized or still too new.
  • ** This card is ranked higher in anticipation of a changing meta due to new card releases or balance changes and will be evaluated again on release.

Mockingbird & Hope Summers

This month, two new cards have joined the coveted rank of Tier 1. Hope Summers and Mockingbird have both had major impacts on Marvel Snap, but one has better long-term prospects than the other. This ranking is heavily reliant on the strength of Thanos, so the context here is important. Mockingbird is very powerful in Thanos decks, and with all the recent changes it could be considered one of the main reasons to play the deck. Her effect is powerful (and, truthfully, it would be hard to imagine her not being powerful if Thanos was to drop in power), but without this deck her power level is not as clear.

Hope Summers, on the other hand, has arrived with a bang. Although her best deck is the same as Mockingbird‘s, her effect is much more flexible. She can be found within many different types of decks, and the ability to play with extra energy while continuing your normal game plan makes her one of the best cards in Marvel Snap. She isn’t the card that strikes the final blow, but she can be used to make lots of different decks better. So, even though her play rate may seem to be tied to Thanos, that is because Thanos is a strong deck that is better with Hope Summers. The next strong deck could also easily end up being more powerful with Hope Summers than without.

Basic Thanos
Created by SafetyBlade
, updated 1 month ago
1x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
2x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
1x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
1x Series 4 Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 4)
7x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)

Thanos is still one of, if not the, strongest deck – even after going through yet another round of balance adjustments. At this point, no other deck (or card, for that matter) has been as reliable through as many changes, and it is hard to predict how this will change. The changes to the Time Stone and Mind Stone encourage you to play Infinity Stones every single turn, and Hope Summers allows you to ramp into your big cards while doing that. Mockingbird is just extra power that any deck wants (and Thanos can capitalize on). Thanos is also able to run Shang-Chi, which is something Discard and Destroy often struggle to include.


Miek was already strong in Discard prior to the recent buffs, but it was easy to drop or replace since the effect was “random”. It could often end up in the wrong location or move when you didn’t want it to. These negatives have been removed, and the additional ability to choose where the card moves (or if it even moves at all) makes Miek a contender for one of the best cards in the Discard deck. This deck has risen to be one of the most consistent and easiest to pilot decks in Marvel Snap, and Miek takes center stage.

Created by SafetyBlade
, updated 1 month ago
2x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
3x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
3x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
2x Series 4 Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 4)
2x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)

Once one of the darlings of F2P, the best Discard decks are now very Series 4 and Series 5 heavy. This version runs Helicarrier as a way to support The Collector, but it can also give you a chance to piece together later turns with the random cards. This factor should not be underrated because it allows you to surprise your opponent and win unexpectedly.

The Phoenix Force & Nimrod

The Phoenix Force has finally risen on the Tier List! These decks have long had high power ceilings, but it was difficult to recommend them because they are easily disrupted and rely heavily on draws. While these two factors remain true, one important thing has changed in the meta: the amount of effective disruption has dropped significantly.

Destroy and Discard are two high synergy decks that struggle to fit in the key tech cards that hold this deck down. This means that the current meta is favorable for the card and its deck, despite the deck remaining incredibly draw dependent. It’s ability to go over the top of almost any other deck means there has never been a better time than now to play The Phoenix Force.

Phoenix Force
Created by SafetyBlade
, updated 1 month ago
3x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
4x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
3x Series 4 Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 4)
2x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)

The deck barely changes, and the plan here is still very simple: destroy a Move card, revive a Move card. The back up plan is just as easy, if not easier: buff Nimrod, destroy Nimrod. Then you spread the power with either Arnim Zola or The Living Tribunal. When things go right, this creates more power than almost any other deck, and it is worth trying now more than ever.


That’s it! All Series 4 and 5 cards in Marvel Snap ranked in the current environment. Marvel Snap is a unique game, and these cards can lead to different scenarios and decks. At times, you may just like a certain character more than another. As a final disclaimer: chasing the card you want with your heart instead of your head is not wrong.

Have we missed any ideas that raise or lower the bar for these cards? Let us know below in our Discord server.

I’m looking forward to more of the community acquiring these cards and seeing how players will utilize them in new and interesting ways!

Good luck out there!

Captain Marvel Artgerm

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SafetyBlade is an reformed Hearthstone addict and Marvel Fanboy from Australia. Needless to say Marvel Snap is the perfect game for him!

Articles: 212