Cull Obsidian Bonus Challenge

Cull Obsidian and Black Swan Decks: Bonus Challenge (Weekend Mission) Guide

Our guide for the this week's set of Bonus Challenge (Weekend Missions) featuring Cull Obsidian and Black Swan! Complete the missions efficiently using our decks, or find out how they are performing and decide if you want the card!

During the weekend, there is now one more set of Missions for players to complete: The Bonus Challenge! These involve additional rewards for winning games related to the week’s new card and the Season Pass card. These missions provide extra Collector’s Tokens and Gold!

You need to win games with the card starting in your deck, and it does not count if the card was generated by cards such as Cable, Loki, and Maria Hill. Each of these reward amounts will vary depending on the difficulty of the mission.

There will be Bonus Challenge Missions available for each new card release to allow players to earn back Collector’s Tokens and subsidize their cost. Players can also expect the rewards to be stabilized at 200 Tokens to help them plan their token budget for the month.

Bonus Challenge: February 16, 2024

This week’s Bonus Challenge Missions are:

Win a Location with 20 or More Power6200 Credits
Win with Cull Obsidian starting in your Deck4200 Collector’s Tokens
Win with Black Swan starting in your Deck8150 Gold

Most players will want to be efficient with these missions, so today we will give you three different decks that incorporate Black Swan and Cull Obsidian.

We’ll also give you a short guide on how to get the most out of the deck and finish the missions quickly, but first let’s take a quick look at the new card’s performance this week.

For more inspiration, make sure to check out our latest strategy guides on Cull Obsidian as well:


Cull Obsidian Meta Stats
Cull Obsidian Meta Stats

Cull Obsidian is our latest Marvel Snap Series 5 card for the Black Order Season. At 4 Energy for 10 Power, he represents one of the biggest stat lines for 4 Energy available. So he has a downside – he must be played where you also have a 1-Cost card. Has this downside been enough to stop Cull Obsidian making an impact on the metagame? Spoiler alert: No, the restriction is almost of no consequence!

Thanos was expected to be an excellent home for Cull Obsidian and it did not disappoint. The synergy is simple and works as expected. You have 6 one drops in deck with Thanos and this allows you to easily fulfil the requirement whilst playing other cards which also synergize well with the plan of making big plays.

The only query that seems to be valid, is whether this or any other deck which can play Cull Obsidian need him. The answer appears to be no, the current Thanos deck does not need Cull Obsidian. However, having an extra 10 Power card certainly makes the deck better.

This is a common theme for Cull Obsidian. His stat line and ease of play make him improve the decks he has been going into, but he isn’t the build-around of the decks. The problem is, he is emerging as the best 4-Cost play you can make!

The power of Cull Obsidian is best shown comparing it Darkhawk. Sentry requires another card to nullify The Void and has been a long time powerhouse at this point along with Annihilus. These decks with Sentry have evolved to include the Sentry package and the next best 4 drop payoff in Darkhawk. This payoff can result in Darkhawk being anywhere from 8 to 12 Power card on average. Right in the middle of that average is 10 Power. Cull Obsidian only requires that you play a few good one drops, which can synergize with anything else.

Darkhawk, requires multiple cards and in theory is countered by more cards than Cull Obsidian also. What is emerging here already with Cull Obsidian is a new “package” of cards which supports the best midrange strategies in the game. As well as this, as a 4 Energy card, it synergizes with Zabu and can even be played as the power card alongside the 4 drop tech cards like Enchantress and Shang-Chi. The early trends seem to indicate, Cull Obsidian is only going to show up in more decks as time goes on and the ease of building a package for this card is realized.

Why is it easy to include Cull Obsidian? In Marvel Snap, most strategies have a 1 drop which synergises with the general gameplan. For example, Lockdown has Nebula, almost any deck can play Nico Minoru, and Bounce likes Forge. Usually, we may top out at 2 of these in a deck as the only payoff for them usually is how they support the later plays in the game.

Now, the payoff for playing 1 drops is wider. We have Cull Obsidian, 4 Energy for 10 Power which can support the lower powered early plays. What this should do is have players considering how they can get three 1 drops and Cull Obsidian into decks. This gives you a good chance of having at least 1 location to play him into and often almost capable of playing him into any location. Cards like Snowguard for example, can allow you to reach the condition and give you extra value for later in the game.

The homes for Cull Obsidian seemed like they may be strong, but limited. Currently however, it is starting to appear you should first consider how you include Cull Obsidian and play him other than times when you have really strong reason not to (like you don’t own him or the deck needs very specific synergies). Yes, the card can be countered, but honestly, it’s just too much stats and the recommendation is if you can play Zabu, three 1 drops and Cull Obsidian, you will have fun.

So, how do you use Black Swan and Cull Obsidian to rack up wins and complete the Bonus Challenge Missions?


Black Swan & Skaar
Created by SafetyBlade
, updated 2 months ago
3x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
2x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
7x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)

This Thanos list is adapted to include Black Swan and is one of the best homes for Cull Obsidian. It easily meets the requirement for the 1 drops and has ways to cheat out the big cards simply and effectively. We have featured Thanos Lockjaw in almost every article for sometime and with good reason.

The plan is simple, yet effective and Lockjaw allows you to be cheat a lot of Energy and put down a lot of power. Cull Obsidian is either, extra 10 Power for 4 Energy, can come out of Lockjaw as 10 Power or be part of your Blob play. All this whilst also potentially reducing the cost of Skaar.


Regular Bounce
Created by SafetyBlade
, updated 2 months ago
2x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
1x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
4x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
1x Series 4 Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 4)
4x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)

Next up is the Sentry decks. This deck likes having the additional 10 Power card a lot. It makes the deck able to put down a big card more often and easily, whilst also being able to run Enchantress and Shang-Chi. Previous Darkhawk version used to have to sacrifice on the tech cards, but now we can easily fit in both. Remember to bounce your cards whenever you can as the 1 drops all scale value here with multiple plays.


Angela & Sera
Created by SafetyBlade
, updated 2 months ago
4x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
1x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
1x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
3x Series 4 Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 4)
3x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)

Zabu makes Cull Obsidian really flexible, so if you don’t own the Annihilus package, you can try this instead. Here we have three strong 1 drops and use the Power Couple of Angela and Sera to get even more cost reduction.

This is a reactive deck which is hoping to flip the game later on in the match but with all scaling threats can compete wide. The drop off in Shadow King due to it’s ineffectiveness against Cull Obsidian himself makes this more effective than it has been for some time.

Safety’s Bounce`
Created by SafetyBlade
, updated 2 months ago
2x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
2x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
2x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
2x Series 4 Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 4)
4x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)

Also featuring my very own favorite direction for Cull Obsidian. This deck just drops Sentry and Annihilus in favor of just bouncing more cards and playing Cull Obsidian. The power here is generated from the 1 drops. Forge and Nico Minoru played multiple times often can compete for one lane and Cull Obsidian another.

Shang-Chi or Enchantress can be used then to flip the game. Werewolf By Night is still really big if you can play 0-Cost 1 drops on multiple turns, which is where Black Swan comes in. Beast on turn 4 and then Black Swan on 5 gives you two full turns of 0 cost 1 drops. Harder to play than Sentry into Annihilus but this can be more flexible.


Created by SafetyBlade
, updated 2 months ago
3x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
3x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
2x Series 4 Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 4)
4x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)

Lastly, the best performing Cull Obsidian deck revolves around playing multiple 10 Power cards, reducing Skaar and the return of everyone’s favorite card Professor X. This is an on-curve strategy where we are primarily wanting to play big 4-Cost cards into Professor X. This allows us to lockdown a whole lane and then we close out the other lane with more 10 Power cards.

Closing Thoughts

Wins with the new card may seem a tall order some weeks depending what quality of card is released. Hopefully this guide helps you decide first if you want the card prior to the missions coming out, and what you can potentially play to complete the missions quickly!

Good Luck, Have Fun, and Stay Safe!

Captain Marvel Artgerm

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SafetyBlade is an reformed Hearthstone addict and Marvel Fanboy from Australia. Needless to say Marvel Snap is the perfect game for him!

Articles: 212