Darkhawk Tribute

Marvel Snap Spotlight Cache Schedule: Black Order (February 2024)

Marvel Snap's upcoming featured cards and variants of the Spotlight Caches for the Black Order (February 2024) Season, and our review so you can plan ahead!

Marvel Snap’s contents of the Spotlight Caches for the Black Order (starting February 7, 2024) Season has been revealed! Each week, three cards will be featured in the Spotlight Caches, and their corresponding Spotlight Variants if you have already collected the card. We recommend that you carefully choose the cards you want, and save up at least four Spotlight Caches to open to get your desired card. So take a look at the Spotlight Cache card release schedule below, and plan ahead!

You will also be able to find the full Spotlight Cache release schedule for past, current, and upcoming months in our dedicated new card release guide:

This guide is for upcoming future content and is datamined. All details are not final and may change upon official announcements or release.

Week of February 7, 2024

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Supergiant4In-Hyuk Lee
Zabu4Kai Lun Qu

Starting off this month’s Spotlight cache is Supergiant, who looks like a meta warping card in her current state. Her ability to prevent cards from being revealed can attack specific decks like Sera, Bounce, and Destroy, preventing them from activating key cards. Initial datamines showed this card at a 1-Cost card, and it has since changed to a 4-Cost, which leads me to believe this card will have a strong effect on the meta and developers were making sure it doesn’t launch too strong.

The classic combo Zabu and Darkhawk also join this week! After Blob’s launch, Darkhawk all but vanished. After his latest nerf, could Darkhawk see a comeback? With ole reliable Zabu to back him up, this looks like a very powerful cache! It is a low value cache though with each card being from Series 4.

Week of February 14, 2024

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Cull Obsidian5In-Hyuk Lee
Nimrod5Eduardo Francisco
Thanos5Infinity Gauntlet

Cull Obsidian leads the charge in this week’s cache. This card looked a lot better in the datamines, when he was a 4/10 with “cannot be destroyed”, but had to be played on an Infinity Stone. While it’s understandable the developers didn’t want one card to only be viable in a Thanos deck, at a 4/9, he is a very basic card and not that exciting to me. The fact he launches at Series 5 while Super Giant launches at Series 4 baffles me. It’s not a bad card, just not an exciting one.

What is exciting is Thanos! With his inevitable return this week, players can get their hands on this unique deck style, or this incredible comic variant. Nimrod also joins this week, though his play is pretty strictly seen only in Phoenix Force or Shuri Destroyer. Thanos easily carries the weight of this week’s cache, but is he enough to warrant your caches? Stay tuned!

Week of February 21, 2024

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Corvus Glaive5In-Hyuk Lee
X-235Peach Momoko

For the next iteration of “Second Dinner is addicted to energy manipulation cards”, Corvus Glaive launches this week. His ability is basically Hellcow with an energy buff. The question I have is what deck wants random discard, but also wants extra energy? This is definitely a card I’m excited to see the cooks get their hands on.

X-23 also joins this week’s cache! Though is rarely seen as a discard card, her usefulness in Destroy decks has helped put those decks to the top of the meta. Gladiator ends this week’s cache with a bang! Gladiator is a card that gets better or worse depending on the meta. If players are playing big cards, he’s worse. If players are playing smaller combo cards, he is incredibly powerful. This is definitely an interesting spotlight week!

Week of February 28, 2024

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Proxima Midnight5In-Hyuk Lee

Closing out this month’s cache is Proxima Midnight, MODOK, and Daken! Each of these discard-centric cards could he used in a deck together if you wanted. Proxima Midnight looks like a card your excited to get as a free 6 power card when you discard her, but bad when you have to play her from hand with no effect.

This card might perform well in a MODOK / Morbius deck that just wants to discard things for power. This gives you extra power for your discard, clear your hand for Swarms or Helicarrier, and doesn’t require Hela or Ghost Rider to get value back. This is a very synergistic week and I’m excited to see more flexibility for discard decks.

Wrap Up

What Spotlight Cache are you looking forward to the most? Let us know the comments below!

Captain Marvel Artgerm

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