Collection Level Completed

World First Collection Level Road Completion: How Much Was Spent and What Happens at the End?

What is the highest Collection Level in Marvel Snap? Player Aaron reaches the end as a World First!

In Marvel Snap’s progression system, you get new cards and various rewards by upgrading your cards with Boosters. While you can keep climbing the track infinitely, the rewards end at Collection Level 22366:

That’s right, the player “Aaron” has reached the end, and climbing further does not yield any further rewards! So what’s next for this player? Well, according to the developers, not much – they will “extend it in a future update” and we assume the rewards will be retroactively applied for this particular player.

So what led to this? Some fun facts about the player:

  • Players can buy a maximum of 1800 Credits per day, (around $18 a day or $540 a month). Aaron claimed to have spent around $5000 in total, exclusively purchasing Credits.
  • Aaron opened no Series 5 card which has a 0.25% chance of opening, and has no pity unlike Series 4 cards. However, they opened enough Collector’s Tokens to purchase all currently released cards and future card releases for at least a month.
  • It appears Aaron was using Agatha Harkness decks to farm the Boosters almost nonstop. While the maximum amount of Boosters a player can earn is 1000 per day, you can still earn Season Pass XP to open Season Caches for some Gold and Credit rewards as well.

Similar to the player who collected all their available variants, it shows the upper limit of spending possible in Marvel Snap – which in this case, was going up in Collection Level as much and as quickly as possible! Check out the full scoop below:


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