Silk Base Card

Silk Decks to Try on Day 1 and Strategy Guide: She’s Here, Now She’s Over There

Another strong 2-Cost card will be joining Marvel Snap soon, and she may just swing her way into more decks than you can imagine! Here is our strategy guide on how to best use the new Series 5 card, Silk, with potential theorycraft decks for use on day 1!

Silk is Marvel Snap’s Season Pass card for June 2023: Spider-Versus. It is a 2-Cost, 5-Power card that reads After ANY card is played here, this moves to another location. Today we will take a deeper look at the only Series 5 card this month and, of course, decks.

Series 5 cards can be purchased for 6,000 Collector’s Tokens from the Token Shop initially as a Weekly Spotlight card until the next new card release, or opened via the Collection Level Track at a 0.25% drop rate in Collector’s Caches and Reserves.

Periodically, this card will undergo a Series Drop, which happens with every monthly patch, and then be cheaper and easier to acquire. For a full new card release and Series Drop schedule and how it all works, check out our dedicated guide.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Silk is 2 energy for 5 power. This stat line has historically been very impactful and attached to downsides aimed at limiting the power of the card (e.g. Lizard). In this case, after you play her, you lose some of the control over where she lands.

Is this loss of control enough to make the card bad? There are times you may not want her to move to a specific location as she could lock your future plays. There are also times a location will show up which is bad for the card like Jotunheim or Bar With No Name. These bad outcomes are more extreme than other cards, which is why she has 5 power. Bad outcomes like this can always occur with high risk and high reward cards. Silk is no exception.

So what is the high reward? A 5 power card which can be potentially controlled based on how you place and order other cards. It’s not just move anywhere, it’s move anywhere there is an open slot. So if we fill locations first we can help direct her, or at least limit the outcomes. This controlled randomness can be very powerful in Marvel Snap, as you can set up situation where you know what is likely to happen but your opponent does not.

She also creates a significant tension with your opponent. If you play her early, every time they play she will also move. This could be bad for your opponent if a location like Sanctum Sanctorum has flipped. After enough card plays the chances that she is not going to land in that location are low. Of course, this raises her other downside: The opponent can potentially abuse the move effect and make her move away from a winning position for you.

5 power for 2 energy though is very flexible and should be something we consider in most decks and only avoid where she could consistently be a bad play on 2. These decks are ones which add three cards to locations early or need to keep location free for combinations.

This is also before we look at two cards in particular which benefit significantly from this being the easiest move effect to activate in the game. The two cards in question are Kraven and Miles Morales, using these as examples we will discuss the lack of synergy you actually need to make Silk a good card.

Kraven‘s weakness to this point has been having to move other cards into the lane. This means the ceiling is high but the floor can be a locked lane with only 1 to 2 buffs on Kraven. Silk moving into the lane and then knowing ANY card played there will send her back out is one positive. In theory though you can have multiple attempts at hitting this in one turn. Example:

Kraven on 2. Silk on 3 + 1 Drop. You now have Kraven and 1 card on the location. On Turn 4, play a card at Silk‘s location and another card either on the Kraven location or the other location. You can then move Silk potentially twice this turn. Now this example requires things to fall correctly, but keep in mind if your filling spots around the board based on the best outcomes for you, you increase the chance of getting the positive effect. Ordering will be important as Silk will swing, then on the play at the location she lands at, swing again.

Miles Morales is much simpler. Play Silk on 2, Play your 3 drop on the Silk lane. You now can play Miles and another card on Turn 4. Best part – there is no move activation cards required here. This is two cards in this scenario in literally any deck in Marvel Snap. Not to claim this is the approach you should take, but just points out how little synergy Silk actually needs to create value for you as well as being 5 power.

Hopefully discussing these two strong synergy cards has demonstrated, Silk is good with a smaller package of cards than we have needed in the past to extract value from the Move cards. Also, not to be a broken record, she is 5 power. Silk doesn’t need these cards too add value.

The Verdict

Silk isn’t perfect as she can backfire on you in several ways and does not provide consistent buffs. However she is a card which requires very little support to add value for many decks and can result in additional value.

Her playability without the support cards is key though. It is entirely possible you should be trying this card as the 2 drop without any of the other synergies similar to Jeff the Baby Land Shark. Whilst she may not be the game winner alone, their is a good chance she can be a key power card in plenty of archetypes.

Potential Score:

Rating: 8 out of 10.

Starter Decks (Theorycraft)

It is time for what you all come here for: The decks. Ghost-Spider requires us to look at Movement decks, and as we move down we will stray further and further away from this archetype to demonstrate the range of possibilities to consider with Silk. As you will hopefully see, the card is more than meets the eye.


Move v2.5
Created by SafetyBlade
, updated 11 months ago
5x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
2x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
3x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
1x Series 4 Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 4)
1x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)

This first deck is the Movement deck. This deck looks to move cards around throughout the game,, gain stats, and Heimdall on 6 if we need too. This is the most vanilla direction to take Silk, including the pay offs for both Silk and Ghost-Spider and looking to move big stats around the board. We are one card closer to the Spider Move dream. The big improvement here is Kraven can get extra activations and we don’t need to plan as much for Miles Morales to be played.


Silky Safety
Created by SafetyBlade
, updated 11 months ago
3x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
2x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
3x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
3x Series 4 Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 4)
1x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)

This deck looks to combine a strong value early game with a Darkhawk package. The goal here if to use the high value move scaling cards with Silk swinging around keeping your Miles Morales active and potentially reactivating Kraven. Don’t be afraid to use Ghost Spider just for activations here.

Shang-Chi is the flex spot and can be Wave or a different tech card of preference. Having a card we can combine with a power card due to Zabu seems like a good option for this style.

Silky Waves
Created by SafetyBlade
, updated 11 months ago
4x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
2x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
3x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
1x Series 4 Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 4)
2x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)

This version plays hard towards Wave in Turn 5. Due to this we don’t have Miles Morales here but he could be a consideration for America Chavez. This version runs Nebula to try and attract cards for Dagger activations but we could run Human Torch instead. The goal with the build is to have a lot of options to play alongside Wave on turn 5 and have Heimdall and Aero as ways to win Turn 6.

Silk Stats
Created by PulseGlazer
, updated 11 months ago
2x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
1x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
5x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
2x Series 4 Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 4)
2x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)

This final version, from our very own PulseGlazer brings us back to Black Bolt and Stature as other ways to get a 1 power card we can buff with Shuri. The Silk package is really just the early game way of being efficient with power as we lead towards Black Bolt, Shuri and Darkhawk finishers over turns 4 to 6.


Created by SafetyBlade
, updated 11 months ago
4x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
3x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
2x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
2x Series 4 Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 4)
1x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)

For Sera we have a new 2 energy 5 power card which may help us build a version akin to the old Lizard builds. Here it’s all about the statline normally and it may not need as many move pieces as this build in practice. In Sera, Mysterio can result in sending Silk swinging around the board, however as your basically just dumping as much stats as possible on 6 here, the 5 power comes in key.


Created by SafetyBlade
, updated 11 months ago
4x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
1x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
3x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
2x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)
1x Recruit Season
1x Starter Card

Jeff was doing work in Lockdown decks prior to the High Evolutionary release. Now we can add Silk to these styles as a way to add efficient power to lanes we are locking or just another tool we can try to swing into the locked down lane if needed.

Closing Thoughts

Silk appears to be strong based on her power alone. There are fail cases for the card which will feel bad, but managed correctly she should provide a flexible piece to many different decks whilst supporting some of the existing movement cards. High power on early game cards is always worth experimenting with.

Who is Silk?

Cindy Moon’s journey as Silk begins with an unexpected twist. Bitten by the same radioactive spider that granted Peter Parker his incredible powers, Cindy finds herself with extraordinary abilities of her own. However, her story takes an intriguing turn when she is locked away for years, hidden from the world. When she finally emerges, she embraces her destiny as Silk, armed with her own brand of spidery powers and an insatiable thirst for justice.

Silk‘s powers bring a fresh twist to the Spider-Man legacy. Like her web-slinging counterparts, she possesses superhuman strength, agility, and the iconic spider-sense. But Silk has a unique ability that sets her apart: her organic webbing! Watch in awe as she spins her own threads of webbing, allowing for more versatile and creative maneuverability in battle. Whether she’s swinging between buildings or ensnaring her foes, Silk‘s web-slinging skills will leave you breathless.

Good Luck Have Fun and Stay Safe!

Captain Marvel Artgerm

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SafetyBlade is an reformed Hearthstone addict and Marvel Fanboy from Australia. Needless to say Marvel Snap is the perfect game for him!

Articles: 214