Marvel Snap Economy (pt. 2): An Interview with SD’s Stephen Jarrett

Stephen Jarrett is the Senior Director over key parts of Marvel Snap such as card acquisition and the shop. LaurenWhatevs asked him all kinds of questions about the evolving economy and the future of Snap.

We’re three months deep into 2024 and we’ve already seen significant changes to the Marvel Snap economy. I covered four of those changes in depth in a companion article released alongside this one. It’s my intention that you read that one first (it’s Part 1, after all), but you do you!

This article contains my interview with Stephen Jarrett, Senior Director of Product & Strategy at Second Dinner. It is focused on the changing economy and card acquisition, but we talked about a bunch of other stuff, too.

About this Interview

My interview with Stephen was split across two sessions: one in late January, and one in late February. The companion article took me a lot longer to write than expected!

Anyway, please keep that in mind while you read. Nearly all of his answers are still relevant (though it’s possible he’s found a new favorite deck since we last talked).

It was awesome to get so much of Stephen’s time. I asked a ton of questions, and he answered almost all of them!

Without further ado…


Stephen Jarrett: As the Senior Director of Product & Strategy at Second Dinner, I lead development of our progression, live service, and shop experiences. Some examples are the core loop of upgrading cards to get new cards on the collection track, weekly challenge and missions, the Season Pass, and the shop.

Before joining Second Dinner I led product on Fortnite at Epic Games, but prior to that, I worked at Blizzard on both the Diablo team and the New Game Incubation team. While at Blizzard, I got to know a lot of the folks at Second Dinner as friends, so when they were curious about bringing product management to SD, they called me up to share what that could look like. Before I realized what was happening, I was leaving Epic/Fortnite to work at Second Dinner!

I am proud to be the 30th employee at the company. At the time I joined, the game was missing in-depth progression or monetization. I immediately dove into working with awesome folks at SD to come up with a vision for the core progression loop and building it as soon as possible so we could take steps toward launching the game! Since then, the team has grown in size. We are more established now and Snap has had great success. With the growing size, we prioritize keeping SD a very fun place to work and full of people who respect each other and genuinely care for each other and the work they do.

My favorite deck right now is Phoenix Force. Nothing as satisfying as getting a giant Human Torch or tons of big power Multiple Men with a Plan B of Shuri/Nimrod.

Screenshot used to highlight Stephen’s variants.
Click the image to go to its deck page.

I do have an updated favorite deck. I haven’t played Phoenix Force as much in the past couple weeks. You can share the Phoenix Force deck, too. I still love that deck.

Screenshot used to highlight Stephen’s variants.
Click the image to go to its deck page.

My favorite characters are Iron Man, Darkhawk, and Wolverine. I have a giant Iron Man statue on my desk. He is absolutely my fave Marvel character because he has no superpowers and became an Avenger because of his intelligence and heart. I grew up loving the original run of Darkhawk comics (have all of them). Wolverine was my favorite X-Men growing up in comics and the 90s cartoon, Bub!


An Extra Card Each Season

We are experimenting with an extra card each season! We want to see how it impacts the meta and if players are excited to get an increase in options at a faster rate than before.

We noticed during the first week of the season, when the Spotlight Cache did not have a new card, that engagement with spotlights was significantly lower. Adding the new card during the first week makes opening the Spotlight Cache worth it every week.

We regularly discuss new potential ways to release new cards. We have no solid plans yet, but longer-term, we’re considering this. For example, do we add new cards as rewards for special events? Nothing concrete to share, but we’re actively discussing it.

Series Drops

My previous response can be shared more broadly.

Series drops will happen a few times next year and we're hoping they're all similar to this one. A big moment that creates opportunities to play cards you may not yet own. The next one isn't set in stone just yet, but it'll be sooner than this one was from the last Series Drop. Drops won't be on a set schedule. We want to maintain flexibility in scheduling them because Spotlight Caches require a lot of pre planning and we want each of these drop moments to feel impactful.

My previous response can be shared more broadly.

We look at a combination of ownership and play rate data to identify potential cards for a series drop. We also take into account your feedback along with players. We want Spotlight Caches to be exciting, otherwise you won't open them. After the series drop we'll look at the data and we'll listen to your feedback and figure out where we need to improve.

During the time before Spotlight Caches when we had a scheduled monthly Series Drop, players would intentionally hold off on buying cards they wanted to play with for weeks or months solely to avoid using any Tokens in the off-chance something better was released. We are trying to create a world where Series Drops still exist but players don’t wait and hoard when there is a card they want to play, and instead get it when they want to play with it through a Spotlight Cache or with Tokens. As a result, we don’t want to leave large safe windows that could encourage players to make decisions to optimize around the economy instead of their own fun.

Old Economy vs. New Economy

Series Drops have undergone a lot of iteration since their introduction a few months after Series 4 and 5 were added to Marvel Snap. As I mentioned earlier, during the Tokens-only era, new cards had low ownership and play rates. This was in large part due to Series Drops and the knowledge that a card would be available to easily be claimed once it dropped to Series 3.

We expect to continue to do Series Drops to avoid Series 4 and 5 getting too large. The timing and scale of it will be determined based on ownership and play rates of cards. For the long-term health of the game, we have to continually thread the line between ensuring there are meaningful Token and Spotlight Cache experiences with Series Dropping cards at the right time.

As a player who has hit Infinite every season since beta launch, and at CL 17k+, I have had the experience of losing to a card I did not own many times throughout my Snap gaming experience. Ultimately, what is most important is whether a player has the game pieces necessary to reach their skill limit each season. We are a card game that sells cards and cosmetics so we can keep making new awesome cards and experiences for our players.

Stephen’s Iron Man

Series 3

The growth of Series 3 is a feature, but one we will have to eventually add more tools for players to engage with. We previously gave players the ability to target specific Series 3 cards with Tokens beyond the one free card per month that exists in the game today. We later added back the Mystery Series 3 card for Tokens to increase acquisition rates of Series 3 cards. More recently, we have started to provide opportunities for Series-3-incomplete players to pick up special offers to purchase cards they do not yet own. We will continue to identify and create new ways for Series-3-incomplete players to make better and more direct progress through their Series 3 journey.

We have intended it to take a long time to complete Series 3 as a core part of the game. Completing Series 3 is a huge aspirational goal! Goals like that are what inspire us all to play a game. The core loop of progressing through the collection track and acquiring an unknown card then crafting the best deck you can with it to compete is a huge part of the fresh vibe that made Snap as successful as it was at launch. Opening a Collector’s Reserve and getting a Series 3 card you have been waiting for is a huge delight moment akin to opening booster packs in other CCGs. With Spotlight Caches, we have pulled in the Series 4 and 5 experience intentionally so Series 3 players can engage with new cards immediately regardless of their Series 3 status. This enables Series-3-incomplete players to always have a way to catch up quickly.

We will continue to add new ways for players to acquire Series 3 cards as Series 3 continues to grow. We recognize how important it is for players to feel like they can compete, and we want to balance that with ensuring they always have goals to grow their collection and experiment with decks beyond what the internet says is the best possible combination.

Series 4/5

The main area we watch for the size of Series 4 and 5 is how long it takes for us to be able to feature a card again in Spotlight Caches, and whether a card feels valuable enough to occupy space in a Spotlight Cache or the Token shop vs. other, more interesting cards. As time goes on and more cards are added, the game will continue to evolve. At the moment, we are not concerned about the size of Series 4 and 5, plus we are confident that we have an easy way to control that size through Series Drops.

Over the course of the life cycle of the game we have continually made decisions in favor of helping free-to-play and low-spender players feel they can be competitive and successful in Marvel Snap. The transition to Spotlight Caches was an enormous victory for free-to-play players and lower-spending players to get their hands on new and more cards quickly. We watch how players of all levels engage with Marvel Snap, and we make new features and tuning changes to help players across that entire spectrum.

Stephen’s Darkhawk


The primary goal of Spotlight Caches is to get more new cards on release to more players. Spotlight Caches have met this goal. During the Tokens-only era, new cards had low ownership and play rates. We observed the most engagement happen when cards were labeled as “Big Bads”. The changes have created more conversations and excitement around every new card’s potential impact on meta. In many ways, Spotlight Caches have not only met their goals, they’ve exceeded them!

We have spent an enormous amount of time and energy controlling for low-rolling in the way that Collector’s Reserves work. The result was that we also stopped high-rolling, which takes away many delight moments from the game. For Spotlight Caches, we structured it in a way that has clear bad luck protection by ensuring the new card is within spending four Keys. We want to take steps to improve the Random Series 4 or 5 item in the Spotlight Cache, and we hope that makes it feel better to open every week.

The current Spotlight system is the most generous progression in the history of Marvel Snap. It enables players for free-to-minimal spend to stay near collection-complete, which is potentially very challenging for the game’s business performance. The downside of the system is that the reception of it is mixed, and many players say it feels bad or scary to open. Internally at Second Dinner, we refer to it like a “cursed D4” at times when you only care about the new card. To have a system as generous as Spotlight Caches while resulting in bad feelings means it has a lot of room for improvement. We plan to focus on improving the way it feels and our ability to fill it with interesting content. Some changes I imagine we will make in the future include some forms of bad luck protection and how we select Spotlight variants. data about game performance.

We do not have a hard rule around the length of time for a Season Pass card’s release and Spotlight at this time. We have to ensure the Season Pass’s value is high as it is a huge part of our ability to continue to operate the game and gives players awesome goals to achieve throughout a season. This means there has to be a time delay between the season and when it first arrives in Spotlights. There is a pathway to get the card immediately after the season in the Token Shop whenever a player wishes to pick it up.

Spotlight Variants

They will continue to be time-limited exclusives, but we plan to make them available through other means either as a new tier of variant in the Daily Offer Shop or through a new acquisition method. We are still in the process of making that decision and prioritizing developing the right solution.

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At the end of 2023, we increased the amount of variants we were releasing to the game to well over 80 per season. We saw the demand and did our best to maximize support. We are building back up our variant reserves and our hope is to return to releasing 70+ variants per season soon, including for newly released cards.

Misc. Card Acquisition

Competitive balance is something we actively made decisions to maintain at the expense of the game economy. This has led to many moments where new cards have trouble finding their footing compared to cards that have been in the game for a long time. We have made a goal since prior to launch to keep as many cards relevant for as long as possible, which leads to minimal power creep. This is core to the reason why Series 3 is such a crucial stage of the player journey in Marvel Snap.

Our goal for end-game players is for them to have unique variant and Infinity split collections. It’s exciting to be able to show off a really dope variant with an amazing split combo. One of my favorites in my collection is a Fiona Venom with ink / blue Krackle split combo.

Stephen’s Venom

Now that Series Drops have returned, we are moving back towards more cards releasing as Series 5 and then declining over time based on their performance and desirability. We will still at times release cards to Series 4 when it makes sense.

The Future of Snap

We aren’t planning anything over Series 5. We don’t want to throw out the possibility of it, but we don’t think the game needs it right now.

Oh man….the thing that drives me the craziest are the black flare splits. They are the rarest and the potential to be the coolest but sadly it doesn’t pop. Hopefully we can make them cooler soon.

The other one that I passionately want to improve is to make Ultimate Variants worth it. I cannot wait until someone drops an Ultimate Variant with unique VFX, chat bubbles, and a special avatar frame!

I am most satisfied with the team, how passionate they are about our game, and how hard they work to develop an amazing game for our players.

For features, I am proud of how we have created an innovative progression system focused on cosmetic growth. We had a vision to make a game focused on cosmetics without being a 3D avatar experience, and we were able to pull it off! Thank you to our amazing players for seeing and diving into that experience with as much excitement as us.

There are a lot of upcoming features that are soooo dope! Between Clans (final name TBD), Events, Custom Card, Character Mastery, and a new game mode there is a lot to be excited about on the way.

In the short term, I am pumped for Custom Card and the ability to pick my border for my favorite splits without having to stop leveling up the card. Then we will follow that up with brand new borders to go even deeper on customizing your favorite cards.

Longer term, I am most excited for Character Mastery and being able to show off which characters I love the most in my matches with unique foils, flares, borders, and reactions.

I would love a way to condense down all the splits and variants I do not plan to use in my collection to make utilizing that screen much easier and efficient. My hope is we can pull that off later this year through updates to Custom Card to include that content into that feature instead of clogging up the collection at all times.

We try to fit in QoL improvements whenever we can. The Custom Card feature is a great example of us investing in something that players have requested for a long time that had a pretty large cost to develop. We will continue to take steps to improve the player experience across the board throughout the year.

There is a trade-off between getting new features into players’ hands and being bug-free at all times. Our strategy is to make features as quickly as we can, learn from them in players’ hands, and then continue to invest in features that resonate the most with our players. I do not see these as unforced errors, but decisions we made prioritizing what was most important in each patch. A core part of live game development is making sure the game always feels alive and is growing and changing. Waiting an extra month or two for every feature would significantly change that dynamic, and we prefer to keep the game in a constantly evolving and engaging state week to week.

Captain Marvel Artgerm

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Lauren likes games. Mostly for fun, but she has competed in TCGs and Smash Bros. She is here to crunch numbers for her beloved Marvel Snap after (accidentally) spending 7 years as a data analyst. She lives in Utah with her fiancée, 12yo, and a very good dog.

Articles: 20