Blob Luchador Variant Art

Blob Guide and Best Decks: Everything You Need to Know

Who is Blob? How do you use him? What are his best synergies and decks? This guide will answer all of these questions and more!

Welcome to our new series of Marvel Snap guides, where we feature a Series 4 or 5 card and analyze how to use it. The goal is to give you a tutorial on how to use the card most effectively in an everchanging meta, as well as help you decide if the card is worth the tokens or if you should pick it up during a Spotlight Cache week!

We will aim to revise this guide each time it becomes featured in a Spotlight Cache. If the card becomes rebalanced or the meta has changed a lot, please let us know in the comments and we will look to update it based on demand!

Series 5 cards can be purchased for 6,000 Collector’s Tokens from the Token Shop initially as a Weekly Spotlight card, or opened as one of the featured cards in the Spotlight Caches that are found every 120 Levels on the Collection Level Track after Collection Level 500 (until the next new card releases the following week).

Check out the featured cards and variants of the Spotlight Cache and our recommendations in our guide!

Who is Blob?

Blob Famine Variant Art
Blob Famine Variant Art

Blob is a mutant who rivals the X-Men. His powers include super strength, high endurance, and a strong resistance to physical attacks! Often teamed up with Magneto’s Brotherhood of Mutants, Blob is a force to be reckoned with. With his incredible size and inability to be harmed, he also possesses the ability to become immovable!

In the show X-Men the Animated Series, Blob made his television debut in the 90’s. Blob later made his first live action appearance in the movie “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” in 2009. While Blob hasn’t made any appearances in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, he possibly could in the future.

How to Use Blob

Blob is essentially a stat stick, meaning a high powered card that doesn’t interact much with the board state. This means you want to use him to win a location through sheer power opposed to interactions or combos. As a 6-Cost card, you won’t generally play Blob until the end of a match, nor should you want to often. Since he merges with your deck, playing him before the final turn could mean losing cards you may need to win the match!

The immovable portion of Blob is a bit of a non factor and is more often seen as a bit of flair added for lore purposes. You instead want to use Blob solely for his ability to reach higher stats than any card in the game.

Best Synergies

The best usage for Blob is with the 2 cards that he synergized well with: Thanos decks and Hela!

With Thanos, you can gain high amounts of Power through an expanded deck without running out of cards. The Infinity Stones can help Blob to gain small amounts of Power before he consumes a high Power card. This let’s him reach higher Power levels by getting near his Power-cap without passing it yet. The Stones also allow you to synergize well by putting lots of power down to put pressure on multiple locations. Blob can then help secure your opponent’s best location with a surprise Power slam!

Hela synergizes well with Blob since her decks often bring many high Powered cards that Blob wants to merge with. If Hela revives Blob, he can dig for extra power left in your deck at the end of the game! It’s a very simple and strait forward synergy.

Blob also synergizes well with Caiera! As a 6-Cost card, he can prove to be both immovable and indestructible under her watch. This synergy can also allow you do play a big card into locations like Death's Domain or Danger Room. She also protects Blob from Shang-Chi, letting you play him with Priority and not be easily countered.

Best Decks

Blob‘s best decks are obviously with Hela and Thanos since these cards are archetype defining. Caiera is often played in Thanos decks to protect your big cards, which can let you double dip the strong Synergies Blob has with these two cards.

Created by Kingvenom
, updated 25 days ago
2x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
2x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
1x Series 4 Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 4)
7x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)

This list uses the Infinity Stones, Mockingbird, Jeff, and Vision to put out early power to pressure all locations. Psylocke and Hope Summers allow you to ramp out big cards like Blob to establish big threats your opponent has to answer. Shang-Chi and Mobius give you good tech options, while Blob, Magneto, Thanos, and Red Hulk give you different options for stat sticks.

Hela w/o Jaw
Created by PulseGlazer
, updated 3 months ago
1x Collection Level 1-14
2x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
6x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
3x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)

This take on Hela mixes discard with ramp. Discarding with Corvus Glaive gives you a play line of discard ➔ 2 big cards on turn 4 and 5 ➔ Hela on turn 6. If you discard Hela or don’t draw Corvus, you can still ramp and play cards directly. Blob can help ensure your final play gives you the biggest stats you can.

Weaknesses and Things to Avoid

There are a few things to avoid when using Blob. You first want to avoid using him the wrong decks. Blob may struggle to be useful without a high number of big cards since 3 cards in your deck won’t always total to be high Power. Playing a card with no board interaction is only good if the Power of the card guarantees a location victory.

You also want to avoid playing him too early. Since he merges with your deck, he removes your draw options. An early play could also leave you vulnerable to Blob’s biggest weaknesses: Shang-Chi and Shadow King. Blob is also uniquely vulnerable to Cannonball since Blob cannot be moved.

While you often want to play Blob without priority, he is also susceptible to Alioth if you don’t have priority. Alioth is a very low tier meta card though currently, so playing around this interaction shouldn’t happen very often.

Closing Thoughts

Blob is an absolute powerhouse when used in the right decks. While he doesn’t belong in every deck, he is still a fun and unique card to surprise your opponents with. As a Series 5 card, I wouldn’t recommend using your Collector’s Tokens on him with such strict decks he belongs to. He may be worth a Spotlight Key though, if you enjoy Thanos decks and have extra keys laying around.

Is Blob worth using Collector’s Tokens?

Rating: 2 out of 5.

Captain Marvel Artgerm

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Articles: 152