Blink David Nakayama Variant Art

Blink and Nocturne Decks: Bonus Challenge (Weekend Mission) Guide

Our guide for the this week's set of Bonus Challenges (Weekend Missions) featuring Blink and Nocturne! Complete the missions efficiently using our decks, or find out how they are performing and decide if you want the cards!

During the weekend, there is now one more set of Missions for players to complete: The Bonus Challenge! These involve additional rewards for winning games related to the week’s new card and the Season Pass card. These missions provide extra Collector’s Tokens, Gold and Credits!

You need to win games with the card starting in your deck, and it does not count if the card was generated by cards such as Cable, Loki, and Maria Hill. Each of these reward amounts will vary depending on the difficulty of the mission.

There will be Bonus Challenge Missions available for each new card release to allow players to earn back Collector’s Tokens and subsidize their cost. Players can also expect the rewards to be stabilized at 200 Tokens to help them plan their token budget for the month.

A Blink in Time: Bonus Challenge – May 10, 2024

This week’s Bonus Challenge Missions are:

Play 1 Cost Cards10150 Credits
Win with Nocturne starting in your Deck4200 Collector’s Tokens
Win with Blink starting in your Deck8600 Gold

Second Dinner has changed the formula for the Bonus Challenge Missions in the A Blink in Time season. Below is a message from Griffin that explains the changes.

We wanted to share a reminder that we’re continuing our experiment with weekend Missions featuring the Season Pass card. This month we’ll be featuring Blink for the first weekend with consolidated rewards of 600 Gold. The following weekend Missions this Season will feature cards that synergize with Blink or the new Spotlight card of the week. As always, please share your feedback with us!

Griffin – Second Dinner

Most players will want to be efficient with these missions, so today we will give you four different decks that incorporate the newly released Season Pass card Blink and Series 5 card Nocturne.

We’ll also give you a short guide on how to get the most out of the decks and finish the missions quickly. First, let’s take a quick look at the new cards’ performances this week. Both cards were highly anticipated, but did they make the impact expected of them?

For more information about the new cards, make sure to check out our latest strategy guides on Blink and Nocturne as well:

Blink Performance

Blink Meta Stats
Blink Meta Stats

It would not be an exaggeration to say Blink could be one of the best cards in Marvel Snap. The effect allows you to swap the last played card with a higher cost card in your deck. While this isn’t as much of an energy cheat as our old friend Lockjaw, the effect operates in a similar way and the ability to target a subset within your deck is very powerful.

What Blink lets you do is cheat power from the last played card. The most obvious example is Jubilee. Her power is set at one because she can effectively hit any card in Marvel Snap and, within the right decks, is often easily an above-rate play that can hit key cards. Blink now covers that weakness (the low power) by swapping her with a 5- or 6-Cost card in your deck, and you can build your deck to ensure you have only good targets. The surprising thing is just how many decks she can fit in; having three targets is more than enough in most decks, and you’ll often know exactly what Blink will bring out of your deck.

Not every deck wants Jubilee, but we did just get another premium 4-drop after the recent balance change to Leech. This combination of cards opens up your options for including Blink in your decks, and they may even become a package of their own in the near future.

In short, Blink and a handful of the strongest 5- and 6-Cost cards is more than enough, and as time goes on you should expect to see her in even more decks. However, the most popular options also remain where she is easiest to play. Both Hela and Electro really appreciate this card because it allows you to swap the lower power synergy cards with one of the big payoffs for your game plan. This played out as expected with cards like Jubilee and Electro; when swapped with Blink‘s effect, they put you ahead and keep you ahead.

Nocturne Performance

Nocturne Meta Stats
Nocturne Meta Stats

Nocturne is much harder to evaluate and will divide opinions. She is interesting enough that she is likely to continue to be revisited time and time again. However, this is a card that did not live up to the expectations many had for it. Still, you can get away with including her in your decks.

The issue here is the effect is not as universally powerful for the average game of Marvel Snap as many assumed. When you get the perfect set of circumstances, she can be amazing and will win games, but she often ends up being a simple [3/5] that you can move once. Yes, that is a perfectly average card, but, as I have mentioned here many times in the past, every card has a cost of putting it into your deck. Nocturne‘s is high because she has only a slight move synergy and she is a 3-Cost card.

She can work well with Angela, but she is much worse than playing a 2-drop and 1-drop on Turn 3. She can work Kraven, but, again, more low cost cards just work better. She can work with Silver Surfer, but this deck can play Brood into Absorbing Man and then Nocturne often just gets in the way.

Unfortunately, her effect is just not good enough to be a universal card. If you want location control, Scarlet Witch, Snowguard, Quake, and Legion are all significantly better, and these cards are not included in every deck for the same reason Nocturne won’t be. In addition, these cards all have a more universal application than Nocturne and are better in practice than the face up effect of Nocturne.

Fortunately, if you have gone after Nocturne, you can put her in decks and not feel too bad about it. Just try not to be fooled into believing she is pulling her weight. Oh, also, Magneto can really ruin your Nocturne plays.


Created by SafetyBlade
, updated 10 days ago
2x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
2x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
4x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
3x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)
1x Season Pass

Hela has been a major force to start this season; although the Leech adjustment definitely makes it more challenging to play, its still a top deck thanks to Blink. This version is trimmed down to include Nocturne for the missions. One play to keep in mind is Nocturne into Blink. You can move Nocturne prior to playing Blink to get the card into a different location and it will still swap with a higher cost card.


Created by SafetyBlade
, updated 9 days ago
1x Collection Level 1-14
4x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
4x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
2x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)
1x Season Pass

This deck is easier to play and can overcome the opponent’s Leech better. The plan is to play Electro into Blink; when this doesn’t work out, you can just play on curve and find wins with your good-stats cards. This allows you to compete in virtually every game. Sandman acts as an excellent counter card that can also be useful out of Jubilee or Blink.


Blink In Safety
Created by SafetyBlade
, updated 10 days ago
1x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
3x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
2x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
1x Series 4 Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 4)
4x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)
1x Season Pass

This is a deck that revolves around the Blink effect with less RNG than the Hela and Electro decks. It has a strong early game into big late game powerhouses that is bridged by Jubilee and Blink. Nocturne can be replaced with Leech in this deck for extra synergy with Blink, and Shang-Chi can be a surprisingly strong target for Blink in the current meta.

Professor X

Created by SafetyBlade
, updated 9 days ago
1x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
2x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
3x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
6x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)

This deck aims to include as much tech and variety as we can without the requirement to include Blink. The goal is to disrupt your opponent’s gameplan, then counter the cards hard with your cards. Nocturne acts as one of these cards and a card you can play on curve and use to change the game state later on.

Closing Thoughts

Wins with the new card may seem a tall order some weeks depending what quality of card is released. Hopefully this guide helps you decide first if you want the card prior to the missions coming out, and what you can potentially play to complete the missions quickly!

Good Luck, Have Fun, and Stay Safe!

Captain Marvel Artgerm

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SafetyBlade is an reformed Hearthstone addict and Marvel Fanboy from Australia. Needless to say Marvel Snap is the perfect game for him!

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