Selene Quiet Council Variant Art

Selene Guide and Best Decks: Everything You Need to Know

Who is Selene? How do you use the card? What are the best synergies and decks? This guide will answer all of these questions and more!

Welcome to our new series of Marvel Snap guides, where we feature a Series 4 or 5 card and analyze how to use it. The goal is to give you a tutorial on how to use the card most effectively in an everchanging meta, as well as help you decide if the card is worth the tokens or if you should pick it up during a Spotlight Cache week!

We will aim to revise this guide each time it becomes featured in a Spotlight Cache. If the card becomes rebalanced or the meta has changed a lot, please let us know in the comments and we will look to update it based on demand!

Series 5 cards can be purchased for 6,000 Collector’s Tokens from the Token Shop initially as a Weekly Spotlight card, or opened as one of the featured cards in the Spotlight Caches that are found every 120 Levels on the Collection Level Track after Collection Level 500 (until the next new card releases the following week).

Check out the featured cards and variants of the Spotlight Cache and our recommendations in our guide!

Who is Selene?

Selene Hellfire Gala
Selene Hellfire Gala Variant

Selene is a telepathic, life-draining mutant from the Hellfire Club. Simply put, she is a mystical vampire. She drains the life force from victims to both sustain her immortality and increase her power. In doing so, she retains the memories of the person she drained. Her main abilities include telepathy and telekinesis. Through her life draining ability, she can also possess super strength, speed, agility, and endurance. Though the more ability she uses, the quicker she ages and requires more draining to return to her youthful self.

Selene‘s first media appearance was in the animated show “Wolverine and the X-Men”. She was later introduced into the live action X-Men cannon in the movie “Dark Phoenix”. She currently has no connection to the MCU, though this could change with the new introduction of X-Men after the Fox media merger.

How to Use Selene

Selene is a heavy synergy card, meaning she only fits into specific deck styles. You want to use her in decks that can give you a double benefit for having negative power and giving it. At a 1-Cost, she is very flexible on when you can play her. If used synergistically, she can provide up to 8 Power worth if stats in your favor.

Best Synergies

Selene‘s best synergies lie with Green Goblin and Hobgoblin. Since you already want to give your opponent negative power, adding an extra -3 to them makes a huge difference. Add that to the fact your opponent lost 3 Power on a card helps you to get that 8 Power value. Add both of these menaces to a location to set up for a perfect Galactus location!

Selene also works great with Annihilus! If you don’t draw your Goblins, you may end up with a negative power card. Annihilus turns that downside into an upside by giving it to your opponent! For example: If you play Selene on turn 1 and she targets your White Widow, you can now play Widow as a [2/-1]. This lets you drop priority and send extra junk over with Annihilus later in the match!

Since Selene is an On Reveal, she can be triggered multiple times. You could use Wong, but other options synergize better for early game plays. Beast, for example, let’s you pick up Selene and play her again for zero cost! This gives you another chance to mess with your opponent’s play and make your targets better. Grand Master also achieves this goal, but does so by triggering Selene immediately instead of needing to play her again manually.

If you want to use Selene to hurt your opponent, but hit a bad target for yourself, Selene can synergize with Shadow King to reset the power back to normal! This also works the same way with Luke Cage! Though your opponent’s power can also be fixed with the same cards, so they can technically be a synergy and a counter.

Best Decks

Drewberry Junk Queens
Created by PulseGlazer
, updated 27 days ago
1x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
4x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
1x Series 4 Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 4)
6x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)

Utilizing the strong synergy with Selene and the goblins, this deck focuses on immediate payoff with Junk. With Green Goblin, Hobgoblin, and Debrii, you could quickly lock your opponent out.

Ravonna Renslayer works perfectly with the Goblins to allow you to play them at better cost efficiency, including playing them both on turn 6. The Annihilus package (The Hood, Sentry, and Annihilus) slide into this deck to give good stats and extra junk to throw.

Grand Master uses his synergy here for not only Selene, but The Hood (for an extra Demon), Debrii, and even Annihilus if you are in a mirror match. You could also swap out Debrii in this list for Galactus for an alternate win condition.

Toxic Widow!- Video Included – Zal Snap
Created by zall
, updated 24 days ago
1x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
1x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
5x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
5x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)

This deck utilizes the Annihilus synergy by bringing his package with Selene. The Hood makes for a good target for Selene to hit and send over as a [1/-6]. You can also use that interaction with White Widow in this deck to double up on junk to clutter your opponent’s side of the board. To further the junk, you can use Debrii and Hazmat to litter the board with [0/1] cards.

Luke Cage works in this deck to remove any negative power you don’t want on your side of the board. Your wins can come from Professor X locking a location down, Annihilus flooding the board with junk, or Red Hulk powering a location alone.

Weaknesses and Things to Avoid

Selene doesn’t have many weaknesses besides your opponent using Luke Cage and Shadow King. You mainly want to avoid using Selene in decks that aren’t junk related. Even though she has good overall stats for her Cost, your opponent can just ignore that card and now you have to deal with the negative power on your card.

Similarly, you want to avoid using Selene if your hand contains no good targets. If you only have Jeff, Sentry, and Annihilus in hand, just keep her in hand unless you want to bank on Shadow King or Luke Cage to fix your loss of Power.

Closing Thoughts

Selene is a solid option for junk decks. She provides a good stat line and works great at annoying your opponent. Unfortunately, her biggest flaw is Annihilus being meta. If your opponent’s are running Annihilus, your junk simply becomes ammo for them to send back. Since the last player to play Annihilus usually wins in a mirror match, you don’t want to be the one holding Power and giving them negative Power. The card itself is not bad. It just requires a specific meta, and right now that meta doesn’t favor her.

Is Selene worth using Collector’s Tokens?

Rating: 2 out of 5.

Captain Marvel Artgerm

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Articles: 154