High Evolutionary

Archetype pages are updated after each tier list is made. If a page isn’t up-to-date, it means there was nothing worth saying about in the last report, either because there was no data about it, or the archetype did poorly.

How to Play

High Evolutionary pushes for a game plan based around a mix of proactive gameplay for points and disruption through non-situational cards. In the proactive category, you have cards helping you cheat energy or gain points, such as Evolved Misty Knight, Evolved Hulk, and Evolved Shocker. As for cards you will use to disrupt your opponent, Evolved Cyclops and Evolved The Thing are the best examples of the power affliction synergy.

There are two big ways to build around those cards currently. InSheNaut abuses the cards that require you to save energy, even throwing She-Hulk in the mix. This leads to a combo deck that is based on a big burst of points late in the match, all the while building its total through saving energy. A typical game with InSheNaut will have you play your early cards to solidify a lane (Sunspot, Evolved Misty Knight, and Evolved Cyclops are those early tools). Then you transfer to the big points card in the later turns.

Pure Evolutionary is more of a midrange deck that is not necessarily in need of passing energy unless the situation calls for it. Instead, this deck looks to afflict negative power on its opponent’s cards in order to discount Evolved Abomination, which adds (a potentially free) nine power its late game plan.

In both decks, disruptive cards play a key role in their success since the sheer amount of power developed often isn’t enough to beat other proactive or combo-oriented decks. High Evolutionary builds will routinely try to fit a couple of counter cards in order to gain an edge against purely points driven decks – particularly those that aren’t playing cards early on, which limits the cards you can afflict with negative power.

Current High Evolutionary Builds

Created by den
, updated 2 months ago
1x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
3x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
2x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
2x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)
4x Starter Card
Pure Evolutionary
Created by den
, updated 1 month ago
1x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
2x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
1x Series 4 Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 4)
3x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)
5x Starter Card


Current Power Level in the Meta

There’s not much to report about the High Evolutionary synergy since the OTA. InSheNaut is very scarce, while Pure Evolutionary seems to be relying on Pixie to scam some games. Overall, the OTA doesn’t seem to have affected the synergy much, or, at least, it didn’t help High Evolutionary.

Conquest Performance

It’s been a while since High Evolutionary made it into a report, as it felt like the synergy had run its course, unable to compete anymore. Yet, with a more control oriented build, using Shang-Chi and Enchantress alongside Abomination for some explosive potential, Pure Evolutionary managed to post a nice win rate in Conquest.

Multiple reasons can explain this return. First, there is very little of Mobius M. Mobius lately. Then, the proactive mindset a lot of decks seem forced to embrace to develop before Junk can fill their board is great for Cyclops, Scorpion or The Thing. Last, Sunspot, Cyclops or Misty Knight can be annoying for Professor X, a card on the rise lately.

Archetype Evolution Over Time

April 28th Update

  • Pure Evolutionary made a splash in Conquest, but that’s about it for the April season.

March 28th Update

  • Pure Evolutionary is still one of the few decks finding success with Pixie, even if it doesn’t compare to the best archetypes out there. As for InSheNaut, it seems to be mostly a Conquest archetype since the OTA.

March 23rd Update

  • Typically, InSheNaut is pretty popular after an update since it represents a comfort pick for many. This time, however, the deck didn’t post any noteworthy results after the OTA. As for Pure Evolutionary, the deck has been focused on making Pixie work recently, which lead to decent results but nothing comparable to the meta powerhouses.

March 15th Update

  • Both lists posted similar results and ended up as solid Tier 2 decks this week. Thanks to being explosive late in the match, High Evolutionary decks can be patient against Discard and spread their points depending on where Dracula and Morbius are positioned. Just being able to have a fair fight against either Thanos or Discard is big right now.

March 8th Update

  • InSheNaut did great during the first day of the new season, but it was quickly met with Mobius M. Mobius (which limited its ability to compete with the other elite decks). It is a solid yet limited archetype to explore right now.

March 2nd Update

  • InSheNaut posted its usual solid Conquest performance while not being too popular in the Ranked mode. It still managed to post a solid Cube Average, though, as the deck typically does well in a diversified environment.
  • Pure Evolutionary was nowhere to be seen after the OTA.

February 23rd Update

  • InSheNaut is a solid deck in the Conquest mode, but it struggles a bit to find its place in the Ranked mode.
  • Pure Evolutionary is a pretty discreet archetype currently. The deck is posting a low Tier 2, high Tier 3 kind of performance inside its small sample size.