Marvel Snap midrange tempo deck: Ant-Man, Elektra, Nightcrawler, Rocket Raccoon, Angela, Medusa, Sentinel, Mister Fantastic, The Punisher, Kazar, Iron Man, America Chavez

Marvel Snap Midrange Tempo Deck Guide

Hey guys, Tauna here.

We are now reaching half a week into the Marvel Snap Closed Beta, with hundreds of people testing out and climbing up the ladder. As with all card games, a meta has started emerging and we’ve got our first insights into what are currently the best decks.

This was provided by Tian Ding, the principal data scientist and game designer over at Second Dinner! While we’ve covered the various cards in the decks already, now we are going to look at how to play them! These decks are also a direct result of upgrades to the Starter Decks, as player’s collections are limited.

The first deck we will look at is the Midrange Tempo deck. You can find the other two deck guides from the report here:


Marvel Snap midrange tempo deck: [card name=
  1. Ant-Man
  2. Elektra
  3. Nightcrawler
  4. Rocket Raccoon
  5. Angela
  6. Medusa
  7. Sentinel
  8. Mister Fantastic
  9. The Punisher
  10. Kazar
  11. Iron Man
  12. America Chavez

How to Play the Deck

This deck focuses on filling up the board with Sentinels and 1 Cost minions, which can then be buffed with Ka-Zar. Angelais also insane value within this deck, because the more cheap cards you play on her location, the more she gets buffed up into becoming a monster 2/7 stat card.

Rocket and Ant-Manprovide you with decent power for cheap, as long as you can set off their conditions. For Rocket, its pretty easy. Just guess where the opponent is playing. Ant-Man, as well, isn’t too difficult as it comes down to just making sure you have 4 cards at that location.

The Punisher allows you to punish the opponents for focusing too much on one of the areas, by gaining power from them flooding the board. Medusaand Mr Fantastic just give you amazing stats across the board too.

Finally, your “finishers” are Iron Manand America Chavez America is a consistent finisher as you’ll always draw her turn 6, where you’ll be able to place her massive 10 power in an area and steal it away. Iron Manwill give you double the power in an area, enabling you to quickly steal somewhere away (especially if you use him on your big cards like America and Angela).

With this deck, you want to set up Angelaearly, and play around her. As with all decks, I suggest aiming for two Locations early and building around them. One of these will have Angelaand Ant-Manwith two others, with the other likely consisting of your America Chavez The Punisherand whatever else you are able to place there. If one of the locations is Knowhereor the Sanctum Sactorum, Nightcrawlerand Mister Fantasticshould be placed or moved to be able to capture them for yourself.

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Marvel and mobile game enthusiast, who loves strategy and teaching other players!

Articles: 4