Marvel Snap aggro destroy deck: Angel, Ant-Man, Blade, Elektra, Nightcrawler, Nova, Scarlet Witch, Strong Guy, Deathlok, Mister Fantastic, Wolfsbane, Kazar

Marvel Snap Aggro Destroy Deck Guide

Hey guys, Tauna here.

We are now reaching half a week into the Marvel Snap Closed Beta, with hundreds of people testing out and climbing up the ladder. As with all card games, a meta has started emerging and we’ve got our first insights into what are currently the best decks.

This was provided by Tian Ding, the principal data scientist and game designer over at Second Dinner! While we’ve covered the various cards in the decks already, now we are going to look at how to play them! These decks are also a direct result of upgrades to the Starter Decks, as player’s collections are limited.

The first deck we will look at is the Aggro Destroy deck. You can find the other two deck guides from the report here:


Marvel Snap aggro destroy deck: [card name=
  1. Angel
  2. Ant-Man
  3. Blade
  4. Elektra
  5. Nightcrawler
  6. Nova
  7. Scarlet Witch
  8. Strong Guy
  9. Deathlok
  10. Mister Fantastic
  11. Wolfsbane
  12. Kazar

How to Play the Deck

The first thing you’ll notice about this deck is the crazy amount of 1 cost drops. With 7 of the 12 cards only costing one energy, you’ll be flooding the board with some smaller minions that Ka-Zar will be able to boost up with his Ongoing ability. Wolfsbaneis there to take advantage of having that full board too. Being a potential 3/7, she’s extremely cost effective especially if the Kamar-Tajlocation is in play. 

Alright, so how do we play it?

First of all, Deathlokand Nova If you’re able to get Novaearly, place him out on a location by himself and try to leave his location empty besides himself. If you happen to pull Deathlokthen you can murder Novaand spread the stats around to the rest of your team. If you get towards the end of the game and haven’t pulled Deathlok you can use Ka-Zar to buff him anyway.

If you get a location not working in your favor, that’s when you need to use Scarlet Witchto remove it and switch it around to something that can work better for you.

Nightcrawler and Mister Fantasticcan be used to clutch out locations. If you have somewhere like Knowhereor the Sanctum Sanctorumthat’s where these two will come in handy to pluck them away.

Typically when I’m playing the deck, I’ll aim towards two locations. Fill those up and use Ka-Zar on turn 6 after lulling the opponent into thinking my teams aren’t good enough to actually win and they snap.

You want to play as many of your cards as possible, and ensure that Strong Guyis active on turn 6. No need to have him active any earlier, but given there are no 6 cost cards in this deck you should be fine. Once a location is at 3 of 4 cards, chuck Wolfsbanedown there and boom. Insta-massive card.

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Marvel and mobile game enthusiast, who loves strategy and teaching other players!

Articles: 4