Onslaught Patriot by IZ - Infinite Rank - July 2022

Onslaught Patriot Deck by IZ – Infinite Rank – July 2022


In today’s Marvel Snap Deck Highlight, we have an Infinite rank deck just before the end of the season by IZ from reddit that features a build-around card, Patriot from Pool 3. It makes good use of the “vanilla” cards that every player receives at the start of the game with no abilities and a bit of trickery added with Mysterio.

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Onslaught Patriot by IZ – Infinite Rank – July 2022
Created by Marvel Snap Zone
, updated 2 years ago
2x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
2x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
2x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
1x Recruit Season
5x Starter Card


Here is a brief write up on the deck from the author:

Okoye is always a Turn 1 unit whenever you can play her.

If you have Nakia and relatively low cost units (1,2) in hand, you can afford to skip turn 2 and play them instead of The Thing/Abom on turns 4 and 5 depending on which unit you get. It really kind of depends on the situation whether to play the 4/8 or 5/10 (assuming you get Patriot) because at times you can also get that one location which reduces 6 cost by 1 in which you should play Onslaught if you have him in hand.

Always try to save Mysterio until turn 3 to get buffed by Nakia (she buffs his fakes). If you don’t pull Nakia by then, it’s suggested to play Cyclops or Patriot on turn 3 to get as many cards down as possible.

Lastly, Onslaught and Patriot always on the same location but you have Mysterio and Squirrel Girl so you have to be wise about how you use your board space. You may try to sneak in an Ant Man together with the Onslaught depending on which location you really want to win but beware of Killmongers and Elektras, they kinda hard counter this deck.

Ideal scenario would be Turn 1: Okoye, Turn 2: skip, Turn 3: Nakia, Turn 4: Patriot and some other one cost, Turn 5: Abom/Mysterio/Thing and some other low costs (Mysterio, Patriot and Thing can be interchangeable depending on which you get first) Turn 6: ONSLAUGHTTT (if it doesn’t seem like you’re winning and you have no Onslaught, just forfeit. If not Onslaught can probably turn the tables quite well)

Another user suggests Ultron, Debrii, and Brood as possible upgrades for the deck.

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