Itsy Bitsy Spider Bundle

Itsy Bitsy Spider Bundle Guide – Details and Analysis

Itsy Bitsy Spider Marvel Snap Bundle details, guide, and analysis. Is it worth purchasing and what does it contain?

Itsy Bitsy Spider is a Bundle as part of the Spider-Versus Season in Marvel Snap, available starting from June 7, 2023 at 3 AM GMT. Find out all the details you need to know, and plan ahead. You can also view all upcoming June 2023 Marvel Snap Bundles information in our guide below:

Itsy Bitsy Spider Bundle Details

Start DateJune 7, 2023 @ 3 AM GMT
End DateJune 13, 2023 @ 3 AM GMT
Cost2,500 Gold

Itsy Bitsy Spider Bundle Rewards

Credits3,500 (3,000+500)*
Boosters155 Miles Morales
Cosmetics• Variant: Miles Morales Baby
• Avatar: Miles Morales Baby
• Title: I Kid, Arachnid
• Card Back: Miles Morales

*Note: 500 extra Credits will be sent to your Inbox if you purchase this bundle, as it was officially advertised as rewarding 3,500 Credits.


The Itsy Bitsy Spider Bundle is the first bundle to contain a Card Back. This makes it contain one cosmetic item of each type, forming a complete cosmetic set. However, such a large number of cosmetics has a price – the bundle is very expensive, even by the in-game shop standards. If you take into account only cosmetics – this bundle has a Cosmetic Value of 0.7, in other words, if you don’t need credits – this bundle will cost you even more than usual – as much as 30%.

In turn, the Progress Value of 1.1, and if you consider both Values, the Itsy Bitsy Spider bundle is only 80% more profitable than buying similar content from the in-game shop. At the same time, June 2023 bundles are 217% more profitable on average. Which makes this bundle way behind the average, not to mention how much inferior it is to such valuable bundles as Token Tuesday Bundles, the I Don’t Like Sandman bundle and the Festival Of Flight bundle.

Next we should talk about the power of Miles Morales, since those who haven’t completed Series 3 can use the variant instead of a card in the deck, and veteran players may be wondering how often they can use the purchased variant in the meta.

Considering how early cards like Nightcrawler and Vision are available, Miles Morales could be a nice addition to a tempo deck on low ranks. Or you can try to build a Move deck, but keep in mind that it will be quite weak to compete with other decks in the current meta until the new cards during the Spider-Versus Season settles down.

Full Move
Created by ZombiesGoNomNom
, updated 12 months ago
6x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
3x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
3x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)

If you have completed Series 3, then the best deck with Miles Morales for you with is the Good Cards Stature. But it’s also worth noting that with the possible weakening of this archetype, Miles is likely to disappear from the meta, since it is almost never used anywhere else. With the release of Ghost-Spider this may change dramatically, but it’s too early to draw conclusions about the strength of the move archetype in the meta.

Created by den
, updated 11 months ago
2x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
1x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
5x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
2x Series 4 Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 4)
2x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)

Even after adjusting the number of Credits in the bundle, it still remains below average when the calculations are taken into account. Because of the low Value of this bundle, we give it a 2 out of 5. Compared to the other June bundles, it looks quite bad and the only argument for you to buy it should be that you want the Baby Variant for Miles Morales or the Card Back. Otherwise, it’s probably worth waiting and spending 2,000 Gold on something else.


Rating: 2 out of 5.

As usual, keep in mind the following points before purchasing Bundles:

  • Purchase cash items cheaper using the official publisher Nuverse web shop.
  • The maximum Credit storage limit is 10,000.
  • Players need to be at least Collection Level 500 before being able to see bundles that offer Collector’s Tokens offered in the Shop.
  • The Mystery Variant is chosen randomly from a Base Card you already own, from the released 700 Gold Rare variant pool.
  • You can use any new bundle-specific variants acquired even if you don’t yet own the Base Card.
  • Bundle-specific variants are exclusive and are likely will not be offered through other sources.
  • Compare Bundle values using our comparison chart guide.

You can also view all upcoming Marvel Snap Bundle information in our guide below:

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Kirallas is a huge fan of card games. He used to play Hearthstone and Gwent all the time since day one of their beta.
Now he is in love with Marvel Snap and writes articles about game design, mechanics, and in-game economy of Marvel Snap. Since May 2023, he has been a member of the official Marvel Snap Creator Program.

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