Pool Two Sandman Kazoo – A Deck By Seninha

Today's Deck Highlight looks to show you a sweet evolution of known Pool One Powerhouse Kazoo! How can an opponent keep up with all your early one-cost aggression if they're being painfully slowed down by Sandman?

Welcome to Community Deck Feature! – A series here at Marvel Snap Zone where, as often as I can, I’m going to dip my toes over into the Deck Database section, pull out something that I think is cool or will be useful to newer players, and showcase it in text and video for the entire Snap community to see!

If you’d like a chance to have your deck featured on Community Deck Feature, upload your decklists over in our Deck Builder or share your creations in the Marvel Snap Zone Discord!

Today’s decklist comes from Snap Zone User Seninha through our Community Deck Builder! – Looking to give a fresh angle of attack to traditional Kazoo, what happens when we slot in Sandman to slow down the final turns?

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Personally, I’m not the biggest fan of Kazoo – I played it so much in Pool One that I felt like a needed a huge break afterwards. That said, this list was quite refreshing. The gameplan of “fill the board, sandman to slow down opponent, keep playing anthem effects” is very strong, and Sandman seems to catch many opponents off guard in what they thought was a normal Kazoo deck.

I think the small “Ongoing” synergies are very cool here too, allowing you to play another final turn anthem effect in Spectrum, which does play well with many of the cards you already wanted to be playing, like Ant-Man, Blue Marvel, Ebony Maw and Sandman itself.

This deck is definitely a little soft to Killmonger, a known menace in Pool Two play, so keep your eyes open and try to respect it as best you can!

What do you think? Leave your suggestions in the comments below, on YouTube, or tag us on Twitter @MarvelSnapZone!

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HowlingMines is the Operations Manager of DotGG and many of their sister sites, such as MTGAZone and Marvel Snap Zone!

A TCG Specialist for over a decade, he now looks to share sweet decks, detailed articles, and help upcoming creators grow!

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