Chibi Guardians Of The Galaxy Bundle

Chibis of the Galaxy Bundle Guide – Details and Analysis

Chibis of the Galaxy Bundle details, guide, and analysis. Is it worth purchasing and what does it contain?

Chibi Guardians Of The Galaxy is a Bundle as part of the Guardians’ Greatest Hits Season in Marvel Snap, available starting from May 3, 2023. Find out all the details you need to know, and plan ahead. You can also view all upcoming Marvel Snap Bundle information in our guide below:

Chibi Guardians Of The Galaxy Bundle Details

Start DateMay 17, 2023 @ 3 AM GMT
End DateMay 25, 2023 @ 3 AM GMT
Cost5,900 Gold

Chibi Guardians Of The Galaxy Bundle Rewards

Boosters• 310 Star-Lord
• 310 Gamora
• 310 Drax
Cosmetics• Variant: Star-Lord Chibi
• Avatar: Star-Lord Chibi
• Variant: Gamora Chibi
• Avatar: Gamora Chibi
• Variant: Drax Chibi
• Avatar: Drax Chibi
• Title: … Who?


If you want to increase your collection level, the Chibi Guardians of the Galaxy bundle is actually worse than buying currency in a shop. It has a progression value of 0.9, which means that for 5900 Gold you actually get less Credits than using conversion through missions or the in-game shop. So, if you just converted the Gold into Credits or new missions, you would get 7,375 Credits. But the Chibi Guardians Of The Galaxy bundle offers only 6,500 Credits.

The normal value of Tokens for Gold is 0.3, which you get when you convert currency through the in-game shop and increse your collection level. However, the Chibi Guardians Of The Galaxy bundle offers a value of only 0.27 Tokens per Gold.

If you value cosmetics included in this bundle, it turns out that this amount of cosmetics can be obtained for half the price in the shop. And this is if we take into account that the title and avatars cost some Gold. And only if you consider both the progression value and the cosmetics value, then the value of the Chibi Guardians Of The Galaxy bundle will be 1.56 times higher than similar purchases in the shop.

Star-Lord, Gamora, and Drax are not represented in the current meta. Perhaps with the increasing popularity of Nebula it will make more sense to use these cards, but at the moment there is a high probability that you will very rarely use these variants.

It’s also worth mentioning that Drax is a series 3 card, so by buying this bundle you get to use it right away, even if you don’t have it yet. But after the Zabu nerf Drax is gone from the meta and buying the Chibi Guardians Of The Galaxy bundle just for the opportunity to play Drax is definitely not worth it.

Below is a deck that could use all three cards and could potentially be playable in a meta.

Guardians of Control
Created by Harrington83
, updated 11 months ago
5x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
1x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
3x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
1x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)
1x Recruit Season
1x Starter Card

So, with that said, we can give this bundle a 2 out of 5. We don’t recommend it to anyone, as there are much better bundles out there. And only the Chibi variants offered in this bundle can be an argument for buying it.

For more information on bundles value, find our guide and comparison chart for the May 2023 bundles below:

As usual, keep in mind the following points before purchasing Bundles:

  • The new maximum Credit storage limit is 10,000.
  • Players need to be at least Collection Level 500 before being able to see the Bundle offered in the Shop.
  • You can use any new Variant even if you don’t yet own the Base Card.
  • Variants offered in Bundles are exclusive and are likely will not be offered through other sources
  • Compare Bundle values using our comparison chart guide.


Rating: 2 out of 5.

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Kirallas is a huge fan of card games. He used to play Hearthstone and Gwent all the time since day one of their beta.
Now he is in love with Marvel Snap and writes articles about game design, mechanics, and in-game economy of Marvel Snap. Since May 2023, he has been a member of the official Marvel Snap Creator Program.

Articles: 144