Attacking the Meta with Sera

Attacking the Meta with Sera

Get an insight on how coco4 looks to beat Marvel Snap's top meta decks with two fine-tuned, updated Sera builds.

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It’s been just long enough since the global release of Marvel Snap that many of the upbeat, newer players have made their way into Series Three, meaning it’s time for them to both play with and against some of the metagame’s biggest powerhouses. BAEro, DeathWave and Ongoing Destroyer are everywhere at the moment and can be the bane of many players while trying to climb the ladder up to Infinite rank.

Today, I’d like to share and break down two different takes on Sera decks that I’ve been using this season to attack those meta powerhouses – In my opinion, the key to beating these decks requires either turning off their win condition or just being outright bigger on curve.


Created by coco_four
, updated 1 year ago
5x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
1x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
6x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)

The concept here is to use Lizard and Polaris to help us keep priority throughout the early game so that our tech cards can be enabled and do their job – this is a huge deal that I rarely hear people talking about: Cosmo and Armor with priority are just substantially better than playing them from behind.

Lizard is at the top end of stats for two-cost cards with his mighty five power, meaning Lizard will almost always guarantee us keeping priority going into T3. This is very crucial to stopping the opponent’s plans with our Cosmo or Polaris play. Polaris pulling key cards such as Ant Man, Bucky Barnes, Nova and Angela into the wrong lane allows us in turn to shut off many of our opponents’ options going into turns 3-5, while also reducing the space they have to play with, and overall quality of all of their lanes!

Going into Turn 4, we also have plenty of options with our tech cards and Rescue. Rescue into Sera should always be our main play here – not only does this offer us lots of stats on one location, but it also enables the ability to play powerful one-two combinations like Shang-Chi and Enchantress or Aero and Cosmo on turn six to shut off Spectrum and other endgame finishers like Arnim Zola.

When we get to turn five, we can pivot and give our opponent priority back if we want to Shang-Chi a big minion such as Destroyer, Death, Magneto, or Black Panther (after Arnim Zola) – alternatively, we can make sure we keep priority if we’re going to have to Enchantress the large Ongoing lane of a Spectrum + Destroyer player!

This deck also has a hidden upside of playing around Professor X nicely by disrupting the early game and threatening stats across multiple lanes. Daredevil gives us perfect information on turn five is normally enough for us to seal a match sometimes as a result of this. Finally, Aero just gives us the option of pulling Destroyer somewhere unsafe, or moving all of BAEro’s turn six stats to one lane while we win the other two.


Created by coco_four
, updated 1 year ago
4x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
1x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
7x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)

Our second deck is slightly more straight forward than the previous one – when playing against Destroyer, we are just bigger than them by at least 1-point at every energy slot, allowing us to play on curve throughout the game, and take the win by slamming a combination of Zero + Red Skull + a 2-drop on turn six thanks to Sera. This also allows us to not worry about Professor X during most games – after all, it’s hard for him to steal a lane if everything we’re playing is very large!

BAEro opponents are a little tougher than Destroyer. We generally outpace them early in the game, but the late game turns can seriously mess up where we expect our stats to end up – as a result, your plan should be to get ahead in two lanes, and look to even the playing field on the final turn with a clutch Leader, or Aero of your own!


Overall, the concepts applied across these two decks is very similar:

  1. Retain early priority as to avoid the opponent’s tech cards.
  2. Improve the quality of our own board, and to punish our opponents with turn 6 stat dumps.

These concepts are not exclusive to just the two decks mentioned above and can be applied to a wide variety of various decks and strategies, and perfectly highlight one of my favorite core rules when I’m brewing up new decks in Marvel Snap: If you want to beat the best decks out there, take a minute to consider why it’s winning, and what turns the major players and power spikes tend to happen – this will allow you to quickly and correctly determine what type of cards you can look to play to counteract that plan!

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