Thanos Variant 04 Art

New Feature: Card and Variant Details – Rules, Changes, Notes, Lore, Source, Synergy, Artist, and More!

In Marvel Snap’s 2023 Development Roadmap, Artist Credit is a feature that is “Coming Soon”, which means it could be the next month or so with a major patch, among other stuff in development and in concept coming in future updates. As a step in the right direction, many Variants are currently categorized for some artists such as Dan Hipp, Flaviano, Artgerm, Peach Momoko, and more (check out the full list here).

In the meantime, here at Marvel Snap Zone we wanted to share all the information to the community about every card, variants, and location as as much possible! During the beta phase of the game, we picked up a lot of different card interactions along the way, as well as useful titbits of information that could be fun and interesting for players.

Over the coming days, we’ll be filling all the card, variant, and location pages with important information such as:

  • Where the art comes from, such as a Marvel comic book cover
  • Character bio
  • Rules and notes about the card (for example, Yondu counting its ability as a Destroy effect for cards like Death and Knull)
  • Changelog of how the card got rebalanced and when they are added to different card pools
  • Source of variants (e.g. available from the Token Shop, Bundle, etc)

And much more! However, for this vast project, we would love your contributions. If you have any extra information, please join our Discord and send them to us in the dedicated channel, or simply contact us and we’ll add them right away.

Check out some of the cards and what we’ve started so far:

On a final note, you can also see some extra information we added to cards.

Synergy Cards

Thanks to we’ve started to add some meta data into cards. We’re starting off with cards that synergize well with each other and are commonly found in decks together. We’ll be adding much more data from our Tracker in the coming days including our brand new metagame section, so keep an eye out!

Related Cards

You can see what cards generate their own cards, such as Thanos, Brood, Mysterio, and Mister Sinister below the main card details.

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Marvel Snap Zone
Marvel Snap Zone

Marvel Snap Zone is your best Marvel Snap information site, featuring in-depth guides, cards, decks, news, and more.

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