Image of Kazoo Miracle Deck

Kazoo Miracle Deck – June 2022 Post-Patch

It’s been almost a full day since Marvel Snap’s first balance patch hit and the meta continues to be in flux. But one deck that seems to have emerged as an early contender for S-Tier is this Kazar Zoo Miracle deck by ninjew. It’s a very similar list to one that our own den pegged as a potential strong deck post-Nova nerf. But a few key differences allow it to dodge what normally would be its biggest nemesis, Killmonger.

The trick is to play from behind for much of the game, holding most cards until the final turn. Since you haven’t played much, your opponent will almost always have initiative, allowing you to play out your hand full of buffed 1-drops without Killmonger able to destroy them.

Only cards you want to play on turn 1 are Okoye or Sunspot. Turn 2 and 3 you will generally just pass, with Kazar coming down on 4 and Nakia on 5 to maximize her hand buff ability. Then you dump everything else for an explosive turn 6.

You can read more about the deck in the author’s guide, linked below.

Kazoo Miracle by ninjew
Created by gutshot
, updated 2 years ago
2x Collection Level 1-14
5x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
3x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
1x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
1x Recruit Season


(Note: Okoye costs one now, and only buffs +1)

Doesn’t this just lose to Killmonger?

No, no it does not.

I’ve had a lot of luck with this list, but it doesn’t play out as it might look. The key to this deck is you need to hold your one drops until turn 6, rather than playing out on curve, for maximum effectiveness. There’s several reasons for this.

  1. Holding cards longer increases the number of cards that get buffed by Nakia.
  2. You’re able to play the cards with greater knowledge of the board state and therefore can place them more effectively. Guessing where opponent will play a card to ensure Rocket is buffed is much easier on 6 than on 1. You’ll also have a better idea of what locations to focus on and which are a lost cause when you play the majority of your power.
  3. This is the also the key to dodging Killmonger. You should do your best to ensure you’re going second on turn 6 (given how little you should have on the board to this point, this shouldn’t be an issue). If they play Killmonger turn 6, it reveals before you play out your hand.

The 3 exceptions to holding onto your one drops are:

  1. Okoye. Obviously you want her down ASAP, to buff as much as possible.
  2. Sunspot. With how little you’re paying early, Sunspot has the ability to get big by the endgame.
  3. Nightcrawler is sometimes ok on turn 5. 

-If you want to play him to pump Angela, then move out so she can be buffed more.

-If you need to move Nightcrawler into a restricted location, e.g. Sanctum, Hellfire, Crimson, Death’s Domain 

You should also try to save Angela and Strong Guy until turns 3/4/5 to increase the chance of getting a Nakia buff.


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An avid player of card games since he got hooked on the Star Wars CCG back in his teens, Phil "gutshot" Bicking is excited to share his years of expertise to players of Marvel Snap.

Articles: 10