Busted Brood

Brood Deck by Matt Chalker – June 2022

In today’s Marvel Snap Deck Highlight, we have a deck built around Brood, that can be found in Pool 3, which you can find in Mystery Card rewards from Collection Level 462 and onwards.

This highlights a feature of Marvel Snap’s progression system, where players find new cards to build around as they level, rather than traditional card games where any card can be crafted or opened from packs if given the chance. This has been a controversial discussion topic among the community as players approach the “final” pool and cards become harder and harder to collect. Players may have to wait up to a week (or even more) to obtain new cards, and if there is a deck that they want to try out, it is up to chance on how long they’d have to wait.

Speaking of this deck itself, Matt Chalker has found Brood in their Pool 3 reward. Built together with Mister Sinister, the deck looks to power their duplicates up and overwhelm your opponents as you disrupt them at the same time. All the deck’s cards are under 3-cost, with the exception of the ever-present finisher in many decks, America Chavez.

Below is is the current build:

Please insert deck uuid. click the edit button for this block.


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