Nick Fury

Best Nick Fury Decks: Builds and Card Analysis

Learn everything there is to know about Nick Fury in Marvel Snap. Including best decks, builds, and card analysis.

Marvel Snap’s Open Beta Season 4 – Sword and Shield has just started, and just like every other season, a new featured card is joining the fray. This time, players purchasing the Premium battle pass are getting Nick Fury to add to their collection. This is a late game option that fills your hand with various 6-Cost cards to play on the last turn of the game.

So far, the talks I had with other players hasn’t been so flattering for the new card, and many struggle to see the impact it could have on the current metagame. Indeed, random generation hasn’t been a strong synergy lately in Marvel Snap, especially considering the cards benefiting the most have been nerfed in the past.

With The Collector and Devil Dinosaur in their prime, it would have been much easier to build around a card like Nick Fury. Obviously, these cards will still represent the backbone of a deck featuring Nick Fury, but they might not put the card over as they could have in the past.

In this mixed environment, let’s dive deep into what Nick Fury has to offer, and how the card could help to shake up the current metagame.

Card Pool

Below are the pool of 6-Cost cards you can create – see them in our card database. It should be noted that Nick Fury can generate cards not currently in the game, including Galactus and Thanos.

Card Synergies and Gameplay

In terms of contributing to a deck, I would consider Nick Fury to be more of a support card. Occasionally, it might generate the perfect card and win you the game doing so, but I wouldn’t build a deck thinking my win condition is covered because Nick Fury is in my deck.

Instead, I see a few different ways of making Nick Fury worth including in a deck for now:

Including it in a deck which benefits from card generation. We already discussed The Collector or Devil Dinosaur being cards that would gladly see the player’s hand fill up with Nick Fury’s ability.

Playing the card in a deck with very little late game ability, looking to play a very low curve and use Nick Fury to gain value and flexibility for the last 2 turns.

Considering Nick Fury will only generate 6-Cost cards, we could imagine the card finding its way into Ramp strategies, aiming at having more than 1 turn to play those cards.

Elektro Ramp

Elektro Ramp
Created by den
, updated 2 years ago
2x Collection Level 1-14
1x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
6x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
3x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)

While other decks could have Nick Fury as a more subtle option, this one is looking to use it for its basic purpose: Play him and the best 6-Costs we receive if we wouldn’t draw any of the ones we put in our deck.

Nick Fury has 2 solid allies in this deck: Electro and Sandman, both setting a great situation for our featured card. After Electro, we can simply go Nick Fury on turn four, and be able to play 6-Cost cards on turn five and six. Following Sandman, Nick Fury simply guarantees we will have a perfect use of our mana.

In the archetype, Nick Fury simply joins the group of cards that feel good to play after Electro, and therefore make sense into this deck. However, the card doesn’t really change the archetype either, nor it looks like it can push it to suddenly being a metagame contender. At best, the card allows for playing fewer 6-Cost cards, which should increase early game stability, or allow playing more two cards combos like Lady Sif and Ghost Rider for example.

The Hand Size Archetype

Created by den
, updated 2 years ago
1x Collection Level 1-14
5x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
2x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
3x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
1x Starter Card

Probably the most talked about archetype using Nick Fury, the “Hand Size” deck should be happy to see another top curve option added to the game. With The Collector on the board, Nick Fury is a 5-cost, 10 power card offering us what should be a decent turn 6 at best. With Devil Dinosaur, the card can be considered a 5-cost, 11 power, but it doesn’t stop at simply buffing these two.

While it might not seem like much, Quinjet can also impact Nick Fury, making the generated card cost five energy. This allows for example to fit an extra Sentinel in the curve (as long as it isn’t the one from our deck), any 2-Cost card we would have bounced with Beast, or a created card from Agent 13 or Cable.

Compared to the Electro deck above, where Nick Fury was more of an on-curve play, adding more ways of making use our mana. The Hand Size deck has various ways of using the card’s ability, and alongside White Queen and Moon Girl feels like it shouldn’t run out of options for turn 6.

Budget Ka-Zoo

Budget Fury Ka-Zoo
Created by den
, updated 2 years ago
2x Collection Level 1-14
5x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)
2x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)
1x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)
1x Recruit Season
1x Starter Card

One of Nick Fury‘s biggest upsides, and I think this is a pretty big one to credit the card for: It is an extremely beginner-friendly card. Obviously, if you aren’t going to purchase the Season Pass, you can basically forget about the card. However, if you started the game recently, and might still be playing with Pool 1 cards only, Nick Fury is a major addition to your collection.

Indeed, in decks like Ka-Zoo, or other archetype popular amongst beginners, Nick Fury allows for dumping your hand during the game while still being competitive during the last 2 turns, arguably the most important ones in the current Marvel Snap.

Up until this point, America Chavez was the go-to card to finish a deck that was at risk of drawing badly in the late game. Furthermore, there is a chance the stability provided by America Chavez hurts Nick Fury‘s play rate eventually. I still wouldn’t underestimate the power of being unpredictable in archetype that are otherwise always looking to play on curve, and which have quite inflexible play patterns.

Closing Words

I haven’t highlighted it earlier, but another use of Nick Fury that is being discussed amongst the community is playing the card in a deck where a specific 6-Cost card is crucial to the deck’s success. Hela Discard is a deck I have seen mentioned in that regard.

While I think I would be on the side that isn’t so excited about Nick Fury‘s arrival in Marvel Snap, I have to admit I love cards that aren’t so easy to figure out. Last month, Daredevil was immediately labelled as a control card, or a good tool in the Destroyer deck. As a result, we barely saw the card being even tested and its play rate was quickly tied to the success of said decks. This situation is obviously better than not seeing play at all. With only one card to wait for until the next balance patch, I enjoy the fact that it isn’t so easy to figure out exactly what to do with it.

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Den has been in love with strategy games for as long as he can remember, starting with the Heroes of Might and Magic series as a kid. Card games came around the middle school - Yu-Gi-Oh! and then Magic: The Gathering.

Hearthstone and Legends of Runeterra has been his real breakthrough and he has been a coach, writer, and caster on the French scene for many years now. He now coaches aspiring pro players and writes various articles on these games.

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