Marvel Snap Deck Database Version 2.0

Marvel Snap Deck Database Version 2.0 Now Live!

We are announcing the upgraded release of our Marvel Snap deck database! Read on for more details.

Marvel Snap Zone is proud to announce the new and improved Marvel Snap Deck Database Version 2.0! It has improved filters, functionalities, performance, stats, and much more to come! Want to check it out first? Click on the button below, and read on for further details on what’s changed!

What’s New?


This is the first major upgrade of our deck database since we first opened our doors almost one year ago. We were not expecting this much love from the community (thank you!), and serious work had to be done! Other than the completely different look that you were used until now, this new version also loads faster, works faster, and should be might lighter on your browser.

You may have noticed some site errors during the new patch day, and we want to thank you for your patience. We’ve made performance improvements here and there previously (as per our last site update), but this should be a major step in reducing those errors down to zero during our peak hours.


The previous filters had to also evolve as the game and the needs of the community evolved. You can now see many more options in the filters here, in addition to it being much faster:

  • Search
  • You can still sync your collection manually or with our Marvel Snap Tracker and find decks with the cards you own
  • Major deck archetypes according to the meta
  • Pool: 1, 2, 3, etc
  • Date: Current Season, last 7 days, and latest patch
  • Include and exclude as many cards as you like
  • Sort by date, views, name, average cubes, games, win rate, and more!
  • Quick filters based on set conditions

With this, we are phasing out the deck “Likes” with view count.


If the deck has stats recorded our Marvel Snap Tracker – you can see more over at which uses the same technology.

What’s More to Come?

We are by all means not finished and putting in some finishing touches over the next few days! Here are some highlights of what’s to come:

  • Toggle between Table view and Visual view (current mode)
  • Endless decks imported automatically from, grabbed from the tracker users
  • Further visual improvements and fine tuning
  • Individual deck view improvements
  • Fix bug with the view counts

That’s it for now! Make sure to let us know what you think (Discord is best), or if you see any site errors, and while we are making further changes, please let us know what more you’d like to see! Thanks for visiting us, and once again we thank you for your patience as we seek to improve each day!

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Marvel Snap Zone
Marvel Snap Zone

Marvel Snap Zone is your best Marvel Snap information site, featuring in-depth guides, cards, decks, news, and more.

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