joined 1 year ago
Herald Of Galactus

dafoota's decks

dafoota's cards collection

Starter Card

Recruit Season

Collection Level 1-14

Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)

Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)

Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)

Series 4 Rare - Collection Level 486+ (Pool 4)

dafoota's titles collection


Absolute Garbage
As Performed By Dazzler
Can Lift Mjolnir
Don't Worry I Don't Bite
Flippant Flipper
Friendly Neighbor
I'm Outside Your House
Insatiable Hunger (For Tacos)
Rhymes With Orange
Tacos After This?
Technically Not Tarzan
That's No Moon!
The Fourth
The Silver Couch Surfer
Why Yes, That Is A Loincloth
Zabu, No, Bad Kitty

Profile settings

dafoota's liked decks